Vote Today – Help Us Name Our Meeting Rooms!

Constellations need more love

I request a batch of civilian polaris frigates for the lovely people of new eden.

I voted for solar system names. I want ccp to have a meeting room called Assez or Cat.
Pain is another good one.



The foundation which an idea is built upon.

Solar system names ftw. Only incursion runners talk constellations and regions only matter when searching the market or talking about the latest null meta. I initially thought ship class names would be great but in truth the lore and in-game chatting usually refers to solar system names. It simply fits the flow. You can interview and onboard new employees in Couster…also fire (gank) them. Plan corporate mergers in Luminaire , CCM meetings in Reset, and all design decisions should be hashed out in Tama properly. I have no idea what should take place in Hotrardik but it is too good not to use :wink:

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I chose ship class names since I think the more ship classes and differences we have the funnier the game gets. It becomes pretty boring after seeing the same ships over and over after a while. It would even be plausible to let players design new ships and name them after themselves and produce and sell it. It would be a wonderful idea to use modules on hulls. Like Erebus hull with amarr weapon systems and Gallante drone control systems. and it would be called after the designer. Hey I am sure people would love to pay for it :wink:

Solar Systems - There are much to chose from, yet there are only are few that are iconic to the game.

Also, “Yulai” would cool as the “top secret” room.

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Region Names – great metaphors possible: home for many, new homes, places to explore, places to revisit, places that change residents and purpose, places to defend, places to learn anew …


I vote for System names. But name them after huge events or famous locations similar to the following:

Asakai (The place boat lost the keys)
B-R (most expensive fight)
X47 (the first place where I first ever used a super in Tidi.)
9-4 (where we broke the world record. Hang the plaque in there of it.)
Old Man Star
Eve Gate (place this over the front door)
C9N-CC (where steve died)
Rancer ( famous for being gate camped)
C-J (was where Red Alliance held the line against Lotka Volterra with under eighty guys against hundreds and marked Insmother as theirs.)
There are many more… Just a few that I feel deserve recognition.


It probably makes sense to name the busiest room Jita.

Name after ships, but don’t use a nameplate on the wall besides the door, but use a picture or model of the ship outside the doorway. Gets the teams trained on instantly recognizing the ships in EVE.

“I waited for 15 minutes in Megathron for you, where were you?”
“Sorry, I was in Kronos and didn’t recognize that I was bastioned up.”

There are 12 starter systems in eve.
There are 12 tutorial systems with career agents.
Then arnon with its SoE epic.
That names 25 conference rooms.

In there, you can sit to discuss how to attract new players, how to make them enjoy the game and stay.
Eve simply isn’t fun to play anymore, at least not for new players. They can become nothing else than puppets under the older players dwarfing them by a factor so big it has 10 or more zeroes, old quadrillionaires who need nothing but yet another slave for amusement. If the new player don’t fall for that, and still stay, odds are high that they will close the circle by starting to feed on even younger new players, making the game completely uninteresting to yet another batch of new players, until both generations become bored and leave.

If you have more than 25 rooms, name the other ones…

Room #26: “Highsec”
This room should ideally be the by far largest of them all, room enough for all ccp staff at once or a huge press conference with the president of iceland as special guest. This is at the moment the most grey, dull and boring room north of antarctica, with a ghostly creaking door, cold draft from all corners, moist dripping from the ceiling, mold on the walls, bare concrete floor, cheap plastic chairs with at least one missing leg each, small rickety tables, a strong choking stench of cat piss, no windows, no ventilation and neither internet connection or electricity in or near this room.
Here, ccp can sit and wonder how to make THIS room look and feel good, how can we make it as good as all the other rooms or even better, how can we make people want to sit here for an 8 hour long conference and feel inspired while being here, how can we make it so good that we can invite public media into it without feeling ashame of our low standard, how do we completley renovate this horrible stinky room which we in favour of nullsec and it’s alliances have spent 11 years actively destroying and neglecting and robbing of its every useful resource while filling it with junk. That’s a challenge! …but i doubt ccp is brave enough to go near this room. There’s a lot of work to do here.

Room #27: “Anti-botting HQ”
It’s where you discuss how to make botting impossible or simply not interesting. In 2009-07-11 i saw a bot mining in highsec with a retriever. As late as 2018-04-14 i saw the same bot in the same system doing the same thing, using a hulk this time. Between those occasions, i’ve seen that bot again and again and again, an obvious bot, locals shot his hulk and the pod kept going to belt attempting to mine, i and other players reported this bot, i’m sure many many times over the years. Nothing happened. That’s 9 years of botting. That’s how much ccp care. That must change. Ccp must start taking bot-reports seriously, maybe ask the player “Why did you report this one as a bot? What makes you believe it’s a bot?”, and then use the intel. Act on these bots immediately, no mercy, no warnings, an instant irreversible permaban forever. Botting is never an “oops, i pressed the wrong button again”, it’s an active and willful decision to install some sort of 3rd party cheating-software. No mercy to bots!

Room #28: “Single player”
For long and fruitful discussions about how to create and improve content for the players you forgot, the majority of all players outside nullsec; the single player.

Room #29: “For everyone”
A room for discussing how to scrap the useless csm and in its place implement a fair and equal ingame (NOT on the forums) voting system where it’s one vote per physical active omega player which have a unique mail address, unique name and a unique credit card number. Never allow one vote per account, because i’m sure there are several players with 50 or more accounts who could easily affect the outcome in an unfair and undesired way.

Room #30: “Stronghold”
Here you may discuss how to remove strongholds completely, at least out of highsec, along with the silly highsec sleepers which simply shouldn’t be there. Also ponder how incursions can be moved to a better and maybe unique new place, along with triglavian invasions, where these will no longer prevent players uninterestd in that content from undocking, warping through, mining or doing missions in or around their home systems.

There are your 25-30 conference rooms. Make sure to make good and frequent use of them.

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I chose ‘Ship Class Names’ as players do get attached to certain ships in game and it would be nice for ccp employees to share in that culture.


(Oicx) Oyi-ks or waas to this day I still don’t know which is correct.

Blops room- what happens in black opps - stays in black ops!

Ends transmission :wink:

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Ships are considered ammunition by certain people. Nice to see that so many people see CCP offices expendable throwaways.


Ship names on the basis that the bigger the room is, the bigger the ship.

Go Gallente with it: The size corresponds to how many drones can fit in there. :wink:

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I voted for ship class names because the variety of names in ships is very extensive. Theres about 1000 individual ships iirc.

Indeed. We all know it’s pronounced Geela not Heela right? :slight_smile:

GM Archduke-

Archdukes Region and Stellar Exhibition.

The A.R.S.E. room.
Luv u Archduke XD
Maybe the give you a new office.
RIP Dust 514 you are not forgotten.