Vote Today – Help Us Name Our Meeting Rooms!

Btw if CCP go with the ship names idea i really want to see how much the corax room will be used… #gibcoraxsomelove

And btw if u really want to go with ship names U MUST put a 1:1000 scaled hull in the centre of every room. No exceptions.

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My vote is for region names. Ship class names (if I understood it correctly) have no immediate “EVE-ness” to them. It’s not unique. Using in-game toponyms imho is much better. I’d go with regions, because it will be easier for you guys to use “Forge” than, say, “Vouskiaho”.


I’d go with ship class names. I mean, regions, systems, those are specific, not everyone has lived in Branch or has a story to tell about Abagawa (well, I do, but aye)

On the other hand… everyone, at some point (yes, yes, I’m not forget you Jita traders and offline diplomats), has put his pod in a ship. EVE online is a spaceship game. So I’d go with ships names.

And, let’s face it, how cool is a meeting in a Megathron ???

Roomy McMeetingface

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But on a real note, I did see someone say faction names and I think Sansha, Amarrian, Gallente, Blood Raider, triglavian… those do sound like pretty good names and should be considered, even voted on.

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4-CUM5 is a good name for ur board room! :slight_smile:

when you’re looking for something to do, when you wanna try out something new… :smiley:


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Providence… because everyone knows thats where you go for a good fight… and everyone is welcome… just like a boardroom table, pens flying, members sleeping, some are there for intel, some are there because they have nothing better to do, and some are there to express their ideas, and impose their points of view.


I think its obvious that you need to use nullsec system designations for them… and furthermore you need to be true to the game, and ensure that we have lots of instances where easily confusible ones are grouped close together… (i-9 and i9- from Impass, v-3 and b-3 from Catch, ias and sai from Detorid, JI- and JI1 on the Tenerifis/Feyth boarder… I’m sure there are other examples)

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I like ship class names because you can have the room name based on its size, purpose and fitting just like the ships in Eve so everyone will know its a tough day when you have a meeting in Brutix…

region name: ALIQUID NOVI
constellation: CHIMERA
solar sistem: ARGON
ship class name: TACTICAL DESTROYER

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I’m voting for Solar System names as I believe they have a better variety over the other three options. In particular as mentioned on the dev blog, if solar system were to win I’d probably put in a vote for the lowsec system of Milal as it is where I had both my first ever solo kill and also the funniest kill I’ve ever been on.

Used to be in a corp that would camp the entry way into this system and there was this Primae pilot we could never capture on gate so we started camping the customs offices that he warped to, only that when he warped towards one he appeared on short range scan but never actually landed on the office itself. Since we didn’t have any combat probers we found his direction through d-scan and he was within a few hundered KM so we sent out an interceptor towards that direction and found out the guy had 4 secure cans off grid anchored out in space he was dropping all his loot into.

At this point we hatched a plan, when he left again we jumped our Nyx into system and warped him to the cans then let everyone else jump out of system again, eventually the guy comes back and as we hoped he warps to his cans only to find a huge super carrier sat there waiting for him. The Nyx manages to get the initial tackle before the rest of the gang jumps in to whore on the kill where many luls were had.

Killmail to back up the story =D

I don’t think I can pronounce half the system names :rofl:


Shipnames since that can give at least a indication of size. And you can group ships of 1 race per floor or so to give at least a simple indication of where to find them.

Why do Facility people always want to name rooms? We have many, many meeting rooms in our company. Some you use regularly. Others not. Why do they think naming a room ‘Picasso’ or ‘Monet’ is actually improving the efficiency of people who need to use them? Just makes you loose more time trying to find them. Rooms should be labelled building/floor/sequence number(and perhaps capacity). Dry and Easy.

This thread needs more POITOT!!!

Did you know its the only named system in syndicate?

In fact there should only be 1 meeting room with a name and that name should be Poitot then the meme can continue in the office as well… what could possibly go wrong?


Ship names. You can have eve without the ships!

You mean you don’t want a meeting room called Oicx? :laughing:

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I choose regions because i want the ship balance team to have a meeting in curse.

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Devoter, Arbitrator, Maller, Punisher… Do I have to say more? :slight_smile:

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I vote for the ship class names, honestly it’s the first thing that crossed my mind >Nemesis<