[VPN] Official Venal Prosperity Network thread

Hello IGS, Avio Yaken here again with an update, something that may be of genuine interest to those interested in making some quick low-risk ISK.

I like to present, Flash Orders. Flash Orders will be a small little thing I’ll be doing on the side to further boost the economy out in this region. VPN is also used by baseliner personnel in the region, they have their own needs and most of the time they fly under the radar of Capsuleers.

Well, allow me to try and remedy this. I will from now on be sponsoring buy orders placed by Baseliner users of the Venal Prosperity Network that I deem to potentially have some wider economical impact if fulfilled. What exactly does my sponsorship mean? Well, it means I will be promoting the buy order directly to Capsuleers and covering the costs of the good so I can offer up ISK instead of some kind of lowly scrip.

Also to spice things up, I will be offering bonuses to those that fulfill majority of a buy order, these could come in the form of additional ISK or maybe a ship hull in 6NJ8-V. Bonuses of course will only be paid out if the buy order is fulfilled and doesn’t expire, so you should see too completing any order you started if you really want your hands on the bonus.

Requests I sponsor will be of low-volume and cheap and I will be buying at very generous prices to encourage pilots to make the gauntlet run up here with only making small investments on their end.

So now that I explained how this is gonna work, let’s start off with the first Flash Order!

Flash Order

Station: H-PA29 V - Moon 1 - Guristas Assembly Plant

User: Derard Praghts - Owner of “Your pleasure? Our business.”

Time Limit: [EXPIRED]


These factory workers are bigger drunks and perverts than the pirates themselves, my pleasure hub aboard the Guristas Assembly Plant in H-PA29 and is named “Your Pleasure? Our Business.” And my ‘business’ is drying up like our taps, I’m pretty desperate for a booze run right about now. I had a VPN advert up about my establishment and it brought in more traffic than we could handle. Demand blew us out, now nobody is bothering to show up here. I need a stockpile of spirits and spiced wine, if it gots alcohol, these people will drink it - till there’s none left again! I need these by the crate loads, I don’t care how anyone gets them.

Oh! Tobacco as well, in order to reel in customers again and build my establishment’s reputation back up - we’re gonna hand out free cigars to every visitor that shows up for the next 30 days.

  • Derard Praghts

Requested Goods

  • 750 units of [Spirits] - 35,000 [ISK] per unit
    Bonus: 1x Venture

  • 500 units of [Spiced Wine] - 30,000 [ISK] per unit
    Bonus: 1x Venture

  • 1,500 units of [Tobacco] - 15,000 [ISK] per unit
    Bonus: x1 Cormorant

Good luck pilots.