Vulcan Industries - HiSec Corp looking for members

Vulcan Industries

Vulcan (Roman God) was considered as the manufacturer of art, arms, iron, jewelry and armor for various gods and heroes, including the thunderbolts of Jupiter.

We are a High Sec corp that is searching for capsuleers both new and old to join our ranks. We have are looking for PVE enthusiasts, have lots of opportunity to have fun, pretty much anything you can think of, we can help with! We understand that RL comes first, and will not force you to do anything. You pay for the game, so you play the game!

What we offer:

  • Ship replacement for dedicated members
  • Discord
  • Help for new players
  • Boosts
  • Laid back atmosphere
  • Great member base

What we are looking for:

  • Miners
  • Mission Runners
  • PI/Production specialists
  • Everyone!

Join ‘Vulcan’s Forge’ in game

Help us build on a ‘godly’ scale!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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We are still looking for new members!
Casual social corp, looking for players to come mine, run missions, and do what they like to do in game! We have Discord, and help for new players

We are still looking for new members!
Casual social corp, looking for players to come mine, run missions, and do what they like to do in game! We have Discord, and help for new players

We are still looking for new members!
Casual social corp, looking for players to come mine, run missions, and do what they like to do in game! We have Discord, and help for new players

We are still looking for new members!
Casual social corp, looking for players to come mine, run missions, and do what they like to do in game! We have Discord, and help for new players

Primarily looking for miners right now for boosts!

We are looking for miners, missioners, explorers, anything you can think of!

We are still looking for miners, missioners, explorers, anything you can think of!

We are still looking for miners, missioners, explorers, anything you can think of!

We are still looking for miners, missioners, explorers, anything you can think of!

Which area of space are you guys located in and do you have any moon mining?

We are still looking for miners, missioners, explorers, anything you can think of!

I’d like to know more

hello i would like to join your corp

Sent you an EvE mail!

Sent you an EvE mail also!

Looking to get back into Eve after a very long period away. Mostly Mining and production. PVE/Missions as well. Looking for a good group of people in high-sec to introduce me to the new aspects of the game while I have been away.

Please hit me.up in game later tonight. I’ll shoot you and eve mail when I log on.

I would like to join your corp also please

Vulcan Industries is still open for recruitment!
We are looking for anyone who wants a group of casual players with few restrictions on gameplay!

Vulcan Industries is still open for recruitment!
We are looking for anyone who wants a group of casual players with few restrictions on gameplay!