Walk around in the station, play card games and other TERRIBLE activities


Bring it Back?
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I just want to know one thing. We already had this - Why was this shelved?

I do want to see this return. But I want to see this return bigtime. What I have in mind is exactly like the little amusement park dimension in Final Fantasy 14, where you had an entire zone just consisting of playing cards, games, gambling and other various activities. We can have this in EVE too, easily!

And let me be quite frank here - if our developers see no issue investing a terrifying amount of resources, time, blood and sweat into a project that had virtually no prior interest, then they could easily afford to implement this specific feature and turn a very mundane activity like travelling to another station, into an unrecognizable experience.

It doesn’t always have to be a complete gamesweeping changes. If I can walk around in a station, maybe even pull up my ingame phone and send a message to some capsuleer, whose number I have aquired prior, to meet me in the bar, sit down, play a few hands with them, discuss the finer nuances of trade tariffs while also losing millions of ISK at the same time - that would be so incredibly funny, it would really add some simple, carefree fun, to this game.

As always, I welcome my critics and fans alike, to expand upon my proposal. Does your heart ache for the return of this feature as well? Let me know below.

With socialized regards
-James Fuchs

The haters are going to be surprised AF when they log in one morning and find that the masters of character based gameplay, Pearl Abyss, have opened up every station in the game for you to play in.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Show me sample code.

But like if you want that kind of experience there’s always Second Life if it still exists, or Banter if you have a Oculus

Maybe the Captain’s Quarters, although it would probably consist of something like this.

Perhaps a Fedo fighting ring? Stripper pole for the exotic dancers?

bumped this to Player Features & Ideas

This explains why the previous feature was removed. Preparing For The Future – Retirement Of Captain’s Quarters & Twitch Integration | EVE Online

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Honestly, I’d be ecstatic with a 2025 roadmap at this point… I guess we did get gambling with Hyperlink…