War against the bots (IDEA)

Well yes, the entire point of what I was suggesting is that all current PvE content is replaced.

Including the procedurally generated abyssals?
cause if we’re going further into randomization of PVE than abyssals, we’re gonna have some serious issues.

Why are you assuming that randomization is the only way to increase difficulty? Yes, variation in content needs to be increased, but CCP could also increase the tank and DPS of NPCs so that you’re actually struggling to survive and not sitting there passively absorbing feeble attempts to shoot at you while you calmly gun down your enemies. That would require the bot to be competent at playing EVE, not just click F1 down the list of targets with zero chance of failure.

And then you build a fit/botbox fleet that clears said requirements, and you’re right back to calmly gunning down enemies.

And then you build a fit/botbox fleet that clears said requirements, and you’re right back to calmly gunning down enemies.

You are assuming that it is possible to build this fit/fleet. It would be very easy to set the NPCs to a difficulty level where even a perfectly optimized fit still dies 10% of the time, and attempting to bring in additional ships simply spawns more NPCs to keep the difficulty level the same.

Except that if a perfectly optimized ship dies 10% of the time, anything less will die far more, and the activity will not be run enough to find this perfect optimization. If ALL content is moved to this level, all content stops, and the game rapidly inflates as the deadspace/officer modules required for this content become mandatory for all content. Also, spawning more NPCs to scale at exactly the same difficulty level is extremely hard due to things like remote capacitor transfers and cap chains scaling in power at a non-linear rate. So a proposal like this requires reading fits and responding in effectively realtime to adjust to said non-linear scaling of tank, cap management, etc.

If not all content is moved to this level of difficulty, then the most lucrative content not at this excessive level of difficulty will be botted heavily, etc.

and that would screw anyone that doesn’t have great combat skills. It would make content impossible for new players with low skills.

You are assuming that this would not be accounted for in balance, with things like level 1 missions and 1.0 belt rats being easy (though still less mindless than they are now, so that you actually learn something) and the difficulty ramping up from there. This is a pretty foolish assumption to make.

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