Also wrestled with this thought… Corp tiers (member count listed just an example)
1-10 micro corp
11-25 small corp
26-50 medium corp
51-99 large corp
100+ mega corp
Corps can only war dec another single corp of equal or greater tier
You are in an alliance - even if 2 micro corps are in alliance they are open to be war dec’d by any tier so long as they are also in an alliance?
I am sure there are loopholes or something wrong with this idea…as most will find a way to manipulate this in some way… but at first glance it keeps things a bit balanced. Most importantly, it can allow new players to corp up in small non-allied corps to get a feel for it… and if corps want to expand and get bigger… they can step it up…or jump right into an alliance with the penalty that we already have.
Being in a micro/small corp (non-allied) with a structure can still be dangerous… but at least you won’t be war dec’d by an entire alliance of HiSec gankers or next tier single corps that would otherwise dominate half the content for a new corp or new players before they even figure out how they want to set up their UI. I know EVE is a dog eat dog world and all…
Some might call it stupid… some might think it sounds good. Brainstorming never hurts.
It’s an interesting idea. Not sure about blocking war decs entirely, but could work with a fee system. Use this idea, allow war deccing lower corp tiers but substantially increase the fees for doing so.
A 100+ corp would pay 10 times greater fee to war a 1-10 corp? Something like that. a 500+ corp would pay a 50x fee to war a 1-10 corp. Could work like that. You want to declare an 8 man corp with 500 plus members? It’s going to cost 5 billion per week for the dec. The result is that 500 man corps won’t war dec 1-10 man corps unless they really piss them off or there’s an important strategic reason.
Solution? The system checks daily the player count in the corp. If it is higher, a new bill is issued to be paid within 24h or the wars are cancelled immediately.
So they just declare with another 1-character corp and then join characters into that.
With 500 characters, they can keep that rolling.
Then you can make the system so complex in trying to close “loop holes” that the system ends up with more holes that CCP never saw. We’ve seen that over and over in EVE’s history.
The most recent example of that being the oversight on CCP’s part of the gantry launching to make corps war eligible.
Systems need to be simple, not complex when it comes to rules. Depth in play, but a simple set of rules that everyone can understand easily, otherwise those most familiar have an advantage against those that lack the knowledge of the mechanics (which I’m ok with, but people complain about that regularly here).
remember that event that asked you to move to a place ? the most efficient way to do it, was to have a stack of shuttle in the starting system, then take shuttles to the place asked, and here dock in structure and self destruct in it : avoided the 2 min delay to sd.
So in the end each alts had several shuttles in the citadels around each desto.
Also I made several experiments with asset definition with ESI, delivery, etc with several toons, corp, and I just did not care about getting the metal scraps back afterwards.
Also I don’t mind lending ships to people, and sometimes (even if not asked) they give it back to me, eg in a structure because they kept it in a structure. I have some deadspace that are in deliveries in structure we used with friend when doing exploration, that I was given as my part of the loot and did not bother taking because … well, lol.
I just looked and this toon has assets in 24 stations. Another one has over 30 .
but wouldn’t doing this cause the corp to jump to the next tier anyway? The war would end then and there…just like taking down your only structure to make you ineligible to be war dec’d. right?
None of that detail is in the proposal, so based on what’s proposed, no.
However, that has then been extended by a check, each day followed by a 24 hour countdown, which provides 48 hours to shoot if you time it right. Then just roll to the next.
Without full detail, we can’t know, other than to go on what’s actually written.
but this is brainstorming lol… I dropped a baseline idea…and everyone inputs to possibly come up with a decent system… There is no right or wrong or cheating when you are presenting ideas… Just saying.
Sure, so isn’t looking at the possible loop holes part of that?
I think the idea sucks, because it’s all only about making things safer, which is the exact opposite of the direction I would personally prefer the game to go in. I think it’s by far, the best proposal in the thread, but still far from needed.
However, putting my own preference aside, surely looking at possible work arounds is part of brainstorming.
So I don’t know the answer to your question of wouldn’t that just cause a corp to move to the next tier. Maybe, but when? Immediately. Next week when they have to pay again? A daily check (as proposed), etc. It’s not my idea, so I’m going to assume anything.
If a tier 500 man corp declares war on a tier 1-10 man crop, the war bill is increased x50.
To prevent abuse, the system keeps an eye on the number of players in the attacker corp. If their tier is increased, say because they added 10 players, which took them into a higher tier, a new bill for paid wars is generated and must be paid within 24 hours, or paid wars cease with immediate effect upon the expiration of the 24 hour deadline.
To prevent a situation where they abuse this by filling the corp with players during this final 24 hours with no intention to pay the bill, a new change will be added. From now on, when someone joins a new corp, they are not considered ‘war eligible’ for 24 hours.
Wait, so if you have say a corp of two guys busting Haulers and you want to get your corp out to get them, you are better off deccing em with 1 man corps again?
War eligibility doesn’t apply at a player level. It applies at the Corp level. CCP aren’t going to change that, so you might want to consider a different approach.
They could change that if they wanted to. Sort of a prewar status, or a corp rookie status. You’re rookie status for the first 24 hours in a new corp and thus not war eligible.
Well, then wouldn’t that open up 9 and under single corps for hire for small-tier stuff like that? Maybe the little corps get a bit of a taste of the business after all?