War Journal: Triglavian Collective

It’ll be met with more. And I’m not at all sure the prediction was, “within a few days.”

Or “trillions,” actually.

The problem, Ms. Tsukiyo, is that there is literally no way at this point that what the Triglavians are doing is or has been “okay” by any of our societies’ standards. There’s no way this gets fixed, no way it becomes something we can just accept. Every single empire has lost systems-- not people, not cities, not bases, not planetary provinces, not even planets; systems.

They took what they wanted, and we couldn’t stop it-- mostly because so many of our own abandoned their homes and turned eagerly to new masters.

We could have stopped it. We should have stopped it. But we didn’t, because our class was given too much freedom to choose our own paths. When the time came to demonstrate we were worthy of that trust, we showed New Eden exactly who we are.

And if there’s a chance to repay that. . . .

Hostility? Heh.