You had to undock and earn the LP and that involves at least the risk of PvP.
That’s a different activity altogether. And I never said there’s no risk of PvP when undocking from a station, unless of course there’s no other players in that system.
Just because there’s a risk of it, doesn’t actually make it pvp if ■■■■ alls happened.
No matter how many have been brainwashed to believe it does.
That’s the example you gave. if you don’t want extreme situations, don’t invoke them -.-
As I said ALREADY PvP is NOT the fact that you shoot a ship, it’s also the fact that someone MAY take actions that slow the pace at which you reach your goal.
Just because nobody comes in and shoot you does not mean nobody can.
Just because you get stuff from NPC does not mean you could not get it for lower prices from players.
When you are actively avoiding interaction, because you consider this would harm you, then you are actively doing pvp.
The only way to not PvP is to make it impossible for other players to affect you. That is, you must be oblivious to the actions of other players on the market or in local/grid.
Get your facts straight.
I presented an example that buying items from NPC’s is PvE. You took it to the extreme and said it’s PvP because other players are being denied ISK.
Gawd, you just won’t quit.
Stop lying, you’ve never challenged me to a duel before this.
Also if you think I’m scared of you,
Feel free to look me up in-game.
Where did I say I challenged you before?
And I know you’re scared since you’re trying to look all hardcore with the hnngg look at muh kb lol
So. Is that a yes or a no?
Oh yeah, I’m all scared.
Like I said, feel free to look me up ingame.
Why are you avoiding my question?
Will you or will you not?
please, this is not only out of topic but also childish.
It could have been avoided if @DeMichael_Crimson had answered my first query
Anywho, wars are not in the best place atm.
But they’re so easy to avoid like so many said here and in all other grr wars threads that ever existed.
Feels like people complain to complain that they’re not in whatever safe space they expected
I presented an example that buying items from NPC’s is PvE.
I think you made a mistake here.
Do you really think that buying stuff at a fixed price in a station is PvE ?
Just the answer above me : he want to make corps IMMUNE. WTF ? He ALREADY is immune when he is in a NPC corp.
The CSM summit makes it clear that individuals operating under a NPC corporation does not lead to the desired levels of player retention.
However many proposals are actually just people who want to change the mechanisms of the game so they don’t have to adapt to it.
Making a second class of ‘Social’ corporations that operate under the same penalties as an individual in a NPC corporation could hardly be considered as avoiding a mechanic.
The time that was reasonable enough for them to prepare for any incoming wardecs in the future. So we can see new corps building in eve and fight equally in terms of war.
This is a an excellent example, a new corporation will have an extremely difficult time competing against an established one, both in terms of skill points and ISK. If 3 friends start playing Eve, create a corporation and get war declared they will lack the requisite means for the contest to be anywhere near equal. The CSM Summit notes highlight that the course of action largely engaged in response is to log off, leading to 3 people disengaging from playing Eve.
Sorry, but it would have to have more than just a time limit. The moment a corp puts up or takes ownership of a structure, then they must become deccable. Otherwise you setup a system that can be abused heavily.
Excellent suggestion. Social Corporations, NPC corporation restrictions, no structures. Maximum corp size limit? Whatever Corporation Level 5 gets you sound okay?
They already exist and are permanent…
They’re called npc corp
Then it wont be a problem if CCP create ‘Social’ corporations that have NPC corporation restrictions + no structure ownership so groups of like minded players can operate under a shared corporate identity.
EVERY aspect of the game is pvp oriented, it’s not just about locking targets, hitting f1, and scooping loot.
Tell that to the 3rd party developers who have accounts only because its a requisite to create 3rd party applications.
Tell that to the 3rd party developers who have accounts only because its a requisite to create 3rd party applications.
When I was about one year into the game, I was in a corp that was permadecced for almost an entire year by Marmite and Forsaken Asylum. You probably don’t know FA, they were before your time. On and off again, also, Devil’s Warrior Alliance took a liking to us. None of these corps ever stopped us from getting done what we wanted to get done.
I think the core problem here is that people think wardecs restrict them from enjoying the game. They don’t. But just like ANY OTHER GAME, you have to learn to function within the parameters available to you. People also call EVE a learning ‘cliff’, but it’s not that, either. It’s lots and lots of smaller lessons all rolled into one experience.
Everyone here in support of wardecs has been there, done that. We’ve all been new before, and here we stand, and using just myself as an example, not without a whole lot of experience and success in PVP ourselves.
In short, wardecs only ‘eliminate’ or chase away players that were always going to leave eventually, under some circumstance or another. They are the weaklings that this game is better off without.
As it is, and has been for years, defenders have all the advantages in a high sec war. In my experience, there are two schools of thought amongst new people who get decced: there are those who ask more experienced players for help in learning how to deal with the situation, and those who whine on the forums demanding the mechanics get changed.
Guess which group I’m more willing to help out?
Back in 2016, me and a friend (just two of us) wardecced a new group called Honk Squad. They’d been coming into lowsec and mining, and we kept blowing them up. Then they started bringing escorts, like battlecruisers. So we blew them up too. Long story short, a wardec happened, and I got to chatting with their CEO and other upper management, and eventually taught them how much fun they could have, whether they were winning or losing. Lots of new people in the corp, they got everyone together, and came after me and my friend in lowsec. Brutal Wyrm, my buddy, reported their fleet entering and they engaged his Deimos on the gate. When he told me they had multiple battlecruisers, I admit, I got a little nervous. I decided I respect these guys and if I’m going to go down to a group that large, I was going to take something they could consider a trophy to kill, so I hopped in my prize Hyperion.
There is the wrong attitude, and there is the right attitude. This thread is full of the wrong attitude. Honk Squad, they are the right attitude. I don’t even know if they’re still around but if they are, there’s a bunch of people here that could learn a lot from these guys. For the record, after the war, I let their newbies mine and PVE in my lowsec for a while. They earned it.