You are just assuming to much and without any sense. You are clearly no intention to discuss and find a solution to a clear abuse but just talk nonsense. I bet you cannot even answer your own questions.
I do agree to this.
My point of view is to give conflict and wars in hisec real meaning and make smaller and medium scale conflicts more frequent instead of having one or two big corporations dominate wars by having +100 wars.
Actually I can answer every one of them and a whole lot more. Wardec details are available in the API and I keep a full database of them:
That’s how I know for example that there are 91 mutual wars at the moment. I can pull the data anytime:
There’s a whole lot of data that can be pulled. How many wars have kills now compared to before. How many have structure losses. How many defenders kill HQ, etc.
So yeah, I can answer those questions and I’m not talking out my arse like you are.
Sure mate when your words and ideas fail, always use slangs since that surely make you look clever and your ideas more presentable… Go ahead tell us how we are all mistaken and how your great ideas make EVE great again.
How u are mistaken only… not really need to put the powerful WE ARE ALL in the concept.
Btw ok lets assume ur idea of hig-sec wars is what everyone want and arguing it a little.
Ur basically saing that the idea of hig sec wars should be exactly like null ones, with territory conquering and such…ok, beside the large amount of player u’ll loose (there are people who dont like null block tipe of cta/blobs … i personally left the game at end of bob - red first war… to restart way later) dont u think this would only advantage bigger blocks (deja-vu) and erase even more “emergent” corps?
Nope sadly you are not on the right track.
Do you think your type of wardeccing allowing better hisec ?
I don’t want to be hisec to be like sovnull. Hisec, lowsec , nullsec , wormholes, they are all different and I believe these differences add value to them all.
Wardeccers’ exploits of this wardec mechanics (evading 2 weeks of forced peace time if war HQ destroyed) is doing harm to defenders (hisec corps more then nullsec blocs) . Instead of thriving, developing diplomacy and creating conflict, they have to deal with the fact that you are camping their new members at hubs and nothing they can do prevent this happening even they come to give you a fight and etc. So they abondon their corps or abondon having structure to shake wars and structures will be owned only by big corps in time.
I do believe that if you own a structure you have to be prepared to defend it, but i also believe that big sharks harrasing small corps will only result in bigger entities dominate the game and it will be boring.
You can see how sovnull doing right now to see the shape of things to come.
Bigger coalitions drop tons supers to other smaller blocs, eating up the smaller ones, and people begin to flock to biggest entities to have a protection under supercap umbrella and fights start to be one sided heavily.
I do not believe that current wardec system is helping hisec (even after the recent changes) and it will lead hisec to become more like sovnull sadly. We need more balance and modification.
Meh, well maybe im wrong but for professional distortion i tend to analyze pros and cons of choises in the long period, istead of the “drop the bomb and see what happen” policy. Anyway, thriving, developing diplomacy and creating conflict, is a dream, a way more realistic end ( as u already mentioned ) would be more like:
XXX block will say hey lest drop a 10B fortizar and lets take a-b-c clusters of 0.5 systems, with own market, production centers etc. Afterall we have only to blob 2 fortizar and there will be no emergent corp who can counteract, ahd we will have the final ubmrella who is the mighty shell corp concord shield.
Than someone else will turn and say “HEY WE GOON WE CONQUER!!!” ( sorry is a joke , respect to everyone… but was just too inviting ) and do the same on another side.
At the end of story u’l have ur high/null portions with emergent corps relegate to crap parts oh high sec.
And this is not a remote possibility… someone before already tri ed to do this in low sec… only stopped by the holy chaos who rule in that zone.
Always and ever my 2 cents.
Sorry but you are completely deflecting the real discussion here.
Our topic in here how wardeccers exploit the wardec mechanics and evade 2 weeks forced peacetime period.
(FYI: And no, wardeccers current blanket wardeccing is not helping hisec and eventually will lead bigger coalitions’ domination in hisec)
No please … dont shoot than hide…, the discussion was on wardec changes, than u linked your own proposal (even stating that was what “we all want”) and inviting people to make constructive ones too… u turned the discussion into this and when someone go deep into what ur sayng u run?
No, I linked a part of a post in my thread that was related to current exploit being used by PIRAT to evade 2 weeks peace cool down. And I am not running away from discussion but you are just deflecting it to a point where we no longer discuss the wardec system change failure but a point where we discuss everything else in hisec.
Bottomline is that PIRAT is exploiting the current system to evade 2 weeks peace cool down. And when I point out that this is not healthy somehow I am accused of enemy of PvP and mercs and hisec overall
Ok so , Fair enough.So beside the fact than your proposal is in my opinion a no no,
the right reply so should be PIRAT is not exploiting nothing, is an adaption to a mechanic, and way less impacting the overall healt of the game than mining corps adapt with the shell umbrella.
in fact the turn into structure wars ( wich is these day on the hot )is exactly the adaption to mining corps behaviour ( or if u want we can call it abuse) who shields themself behind it… as a proof before the changes very very few structures were attacked , we consider it just a step better than mining… boring as hell)
Again not on point. Mining and shell corporations are not point here. I can understand the adaptation point of view but the mechanics intented to give defending corporations a chance to defeat aggressors and have a forced peace time in return but right now this is not the case. Shell corps, miners, they are irrelevant right now. (even though we can discuss these things in other topics and you see that we may have some agreement on some topics even though we have very different ideas on current state of wars)
But everything we are discussing here is how te war changes are impacrting the game!!! god how can u talk about A aspect of a change ignoring B-C-and D, wich are mostly correlate, or the cause of A?
No we are talking how new mechanics is being abused to evade 2 weeks forced peace period.
- reading the topic title again and again scratching my head
- Reading the topic again and agreeing you (for a change) . OK All of my comments about WarHQs should be under
War headquarter mechanics and lack of consequences. See you there maybe o7
EDIT : Although I stand my ground on all things I said so far. That does not change the fact that current system is again broken and needs a new pass / Fix.
where is marmite?
not rocket science.
They stopped operating early April, WELL before the latest wardec changes…no correlation if that’s what you are attempting to prove here.
They adapted.