WarDec System Change Failure

Do you know what they did (I’d honestly like to know)…

Joined PIRAT. There are members doing quite well in the new ‘arrangement’ too.

As Wanda wrote.

See this post for more detail:


Ah cool…missed that. TY…

I know what happ… n v m.

An added bonus to this will be an end to those pretentious and cringeworthy merc threads in C&P.


The Marmite Collective use to be the main force in and around Hek, now some other swine hog took over.

Merc monopoly is a problem… Now not everyone can be a merc, you need to be in the know, or the social clique, you either need to brown nose khromius or someone Russian…

Point is the wardec change is a failure, it killed the small tight knitted merc communities in favor of structure spamming for the masses… CCP has failed it’s veteran player base in hopes of pleasing the Viva pinata Carebear Crowd.

They did it with wars, structures and now skill point pay to win… What is next?

Hey now…

I did not brown nose anybody. I said…

hey can I join?
I was asked can fly this? And these? Do you have a scout or RR alts?
And I said of course… perfectly… and yes to Both.
Then they said awesome, apply you silly Afrikaner.
I applied
They invited
I accepted

And good stuff poured out.

It is that simple. Enemies of old is in the the alliance killing stuff together. What more can you ask for?

And as a veteran player I will take hold of every advantage I can get that CCP bungles through in guise of “New Player Help”. I will game every mechanic, I will use anything and everything to get out on top (Within the rules of the game of course). I have done it before I will do it again.


Like Tora Bushido did ?

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The New System is good.

New players are protected when out of structure holding corp. Vets can also hide from wars. Cost of war is balanced, and now we have to defend our HQ.

This is great content.

As for the groups merging together…We anticipated N+1 from others and tbh this was a good time for all to say 'Lets stand together for the High Sec Merc Eve Lifestyle.

If you don’t like what we do - Come play ! We want the content…and tears :):salt:


I’m just curious: why do you think people will risk by 10+ Billion ISK structure to have “small and medium size” conflict?
Example: small miners corp wants another one to leave “their” ice belts. DO you really believe that they will spend 10+ Billion ISK to put up a structure to be able to wage war? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Why would it cost them that much?

Quick question natural.
If Devils would have placed hq and started up like before… Would you guys use the opportunity in the new mechanics to deny/limit our capabilities to do aggressive contracts?

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There is exactly one meaningful change that needs to be implemented to vastly improve the war dec landscape: force people to log into the forums with their mains. Bring pvp to the forum warriors. Let me war dec people who complain about war decs.

Is that your main Mr.Suggly?

Of course not. No one does that.

But don’t tell anyone. I need to keep up my bad ass forum warrior persona. This is just our little secret.


Hey. I always post with my main. Also for old times sake

Post with your main or gtfo. With love from the old CnP community


Questions was not asked to me, but being aswell in another merc corp before the first merge, what can say is that in general there always been a sort of respect between merc corps, in general not interacting with other business, unless there is some specic reason as a contract or acts of aggression.

But afterall im just Private Joker so when ive been order to shoot i say when istead who :smiling_imp::skull_and_crossbones:

I always post with my main.

Why would you not. If somebody has an issue with me they know who to come after ingame.