Warp Core Stabilizer

Excellent observation, this is intentional. You’re supposed to commit to the fight once it’s started, or be committed to never getting in fights and using the WCS in combination with other modules to not get pinned down or escape if you do get pinned down.

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This is actually not true. I just posted this in another thread and I’ll post it here.

BURN EDEN, the privateer corp as I call them, were using WCS on their Ravens back in the day. They would pair this with Damps and long-range ballistics. You combine this with short-range tackle, you can fend off entire fleets without any stacking penalties, not being able to be targeted, and when in range, not even be able to hold them down due to the power of stacking WCS’s.

CCP dramatically changed the mechanics due to tactics like these. They added penalties to stacking damage mods, ECM, and WCS’s shortly after. They also completely redesigned ballistics on top of the unbreakable Shield Tanking Raven. This is all in short due to BURN EDEN really pissing off everyone on the field using these cheap tactics, which allowed them to destroy many with a few amount of pilots.

WCS is a viable tactic if you can negate the penalties. For me, they are best with sniping just as BURN EDEN showed us back in 2005 or so. The issue is, CCP made the penalties to impact the targeting system in a negative way. Hence why BURN EDEN was the cause of this because they would use both DAMPS and LONG-RANGE weaponry to really bust up the field.


Yes, I’m aware of the many sniping pirates out there that also stacked them on their Tempests, Geddons, etc. But, I attribute the buff to all hull’s HP and stacking penalties to tracking computers, boosters, etc more to the pirates that sat outside sentry gun ranges to insta pop targets as they popped in the system.

None of what you said relates to faction warfare…

I’m also aware WCS have been nerfed multiple times and thus your information is true; however, the fact is: CCP changed it where Ventures or ships equipped with WCS couldn’t do faction warfare sites for LP.

And why was that nerf put into place? Because faction warfare sites were meant to generate PvP.

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