Way to go CCP

I don’t have an issue per se with PVP but this one is going to help only the players that have the funds to play the game and is very unfriendly to new players.
How can you learn the game if all that happens when you undock you have a greater than normal risk of being blown up?
While I appreciate that I may sound like a spoilt brat crying foul I think the game at the moment is turning a bit into the haves and the have nots.
possibly a better solution might be for this pvp, even the field a bit would be that you only get the skill points if the fight is between 2 ships of the same class eg frigate v frigate or battleship v battleship

just a thought

Talk to people in local. Form a Wolfpack of free corvettes. Have a blast!

We did it back then when the game was FAR more unforgiving, wasn’t as well documented nor has any real tutorial. It also didn’t have the low effort income options the game has now.

If we could do it then, you can do it now. Whether you want to is up to you., again it’s completely fine to not want to play a game like this, it’s niche for a reason. I’m just saying that a newbie’s knee jerk reaction to things like this gives you two options: fight or flight.

Choose one, don’t blame the game.

New players will always be playing catch up. I’ve been playing a number of years and am still catching up. The challenge of Eve is to survive & thrive despite that. Eve rewards persistance & effort.

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So if I kill a BS in a Cruiser, I get nothing? Wha?

Wow, you’re a new player? Because you talk like a bitter vet.


Dear CCP,
How dare you make content that appeals to players other than myself. I know there’s been like 4 PvE centered Skilling sprees in the past 6 months, but jeez, what have you done for me lately?

How dare you make a mechanic that encourages new players to step outside of their comfort zone, and risk losing some ships in a PvP centric game.

There’s a thousand things to do in this sandbox, and you nerfed the income for one of those things in an attempt to try to fix some serious problems and make the game better. Grrrrr, everything is pointless. I’d rather complain on the forums than stockpile my ore till their prices rise, or, gasp… try something new.

Also, I realize I could try to find solutions to my problems, like trying to find other carebears who are willing to trade kills in cheap frigs, but what happens if I end up having fun, making some friends, or growing as a player? Well I, for one, will not stand for it.

In summation, thanks for ruining Eve.

A Bitter Noob


Lol! Epic sarcasm!

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Hey friend.

There are a lot of ways how a new player can engage in PvP combat right away. Because luckily EVE PvP combat doesn’t really revolve a lot around who has the better ships, but who has more friends etc.

You can go join FW where there are always fleets up where you can jump in an roam around with them to get those kills in.

You can join one of the newbro friendly nullsec corps that will even give you free ships and skill books, and you can again join in on the fight right away.

If you rather stay in Highsec you can come gank miners with CODE. which you can join in right away, or if you rather do your own thing we have resources on how you can start your solo ganking career.

As you can see, there are many options open to new players to participate. It is YOUR DECISION if you take part in that or if you rather do something else with your time, the same way I ignored past events that revolved around shooting NPCs. It’s not something CCP decided for you when they created the event, it is all up to you, the options are there.


Thats the beauty part, its a game made of tools and stuff.

Nail em together for ideal gameplay.

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You realise the point of the game is pvp right? Go blow up another noob.

I’d wonder what you’re doing in a pvp sandbox like eve?

And what do you think all the people who don’t like ratting have been doing during all the non-pvp skilling sprees?

Just another carebear that doesn’t know it’s arse from it’s elbow.


What about new players who WANT to PvP?

Shouldnt they get anything?


post your mains’s name and your friends - if you have any. I want to hunt you down in-game and ripp you a new arse during this event.

Because the announcement also said CONCORD is being removed.

Quit weeping like a child, security hasn’t changed.


They don’t exist, obviously.

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Newbies don’t want to be PvPed by bittervets, they need better PvE to afford PLEX and injectors.

-1 to highsec nerfs.

Correct, they want to PvP with other new players

But you dont think they should be able to get anything for this like PvErs get?

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Newbies want more PvP because that is the only interesting activity in EVE.

+1 to player combat event


This event didnt turn off Concord or anything. Why would you think that you are in any way less safe than before?

What is preventing you from grouping together and forming fleets to pvp with? If it’s a fight between 20 new players and 1 old player, I’d say the new players have a great chance of winning.

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The perception newbies need a bigger more expensive ship and more SP to PvP is probably the number one cause of failure.

The BEST WAY to learn to PvP is in cheap ships that way when the ships are lost they are cheap to replace.

This bigger ship idea is really just based in pixel cowardice. Thinking somehow the bigger ship will prevent loss.


Lol angry bittervet thinks that newbies want to be PvPed when they can’t afford SP. :grinning: :grinning: :joy: