We need a gas harvesting ship it can use all 5 gas harvesters

something like a gas mining barge or something

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Yeah would be sweet

Ventures already power down gas, especially if you’ve got a porpoise on field.


A ship with both bonuses to harvesting, and five turrets would devalue the gas industry greatly.

The Venture is the best ship for the job, adding something better would just mean that everyone trains into that instead. Once everyone nerd and their alt has these new gas-barges, someone will ask for a gas-capital.

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Gnosis, that is all you need if you know how to fit your ships.

Able to have tank
Use drones
Use 5 gas harvesters
and…more cargo space than a venture.

No we don´t.


And if you’re too poor for a Gnosis, use a Maller.

This. Plus not many people realize that yes - boosts do help gas mining too.

I haven’t huffed gas since the link changes. Do you happen to know what percentage bonus I might expect with a max-skill Porp?

The bonus comes as reduced cycle time. IIRC my cycle time for T2 gas harvesters was down to 27 sec with a porpoise


my dozen or so were free, so.

They would probably be better off redoing the skill it’s self. Maybe make it a bonus to yield or cycle time or reduction in fitting cost.

Any ship with 5 turrets and some lows. I used to use a Vaga for it way back when. =/

If you make a bigger gas miner, you depress the price of gas and make ninja mining not worth it, except in those sites where sig radius is really important.

Biomass yourself.

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