High-sec is being invaded by an enemy force, reshaping the topology of the space lanes on a near-daily basis. An unrelenting force is devastating null-sec round the clock, and now it has come out that one of the most powerful tools that they use for safety may be well and truly gone. They say that in response to this, high-sec itself will burn as they lay waste to its infrastructure, and strip its markets of its valuable resources. Meanwhile, other AI forces, steered by the unseen hand of CCPs storytellers, lay waste to player structures, as well as each other. The universe stands at the brink of ripping itself apart, and no one can possibly say how this will play out for sure.
This is history. Some of you may be breaking out lawn-chairs, some of you may be plotting your revenge on your hobbies creator. Either I can assure you that when the story of EVE is written when Andrew Groen pens book 3 (or maybe 4), the choices you make this summer, and the ramifications of those choices will be etched indelibly in it. Many of us joined this game wanting to be part of something grand, something that may one day be talked about with all the majesty of B-R or C-J or even the time Zombie Co defeated CONCORD. While players define where the story goes, all stories need a catalyst, an inciting event. What we do with this will define not only what EVE will become, but what we collectively will become as well.