I made two screenshots to compare.
Top: Photon UI.
Bottom: My current UI on Tranquility.
- I like how sleek the Photon UI is, as it removed a lot of lines and edges that were present on the old windows.
- Waste of space. Everywhere:
– The new UI is wasting space on every window with the big headers.
– Padding on the sides ofall the windows means wasted space.
– Added padding in between the names in lists means my local list is showing fewer people than before.
– Added padding in the D-scan window means I’m seeing less information there too.
– All the wasted padded space in my fleet window means my broadcasts in the fleet window went from showing the 7 most recent broadcasts to seeing only 4 broadcasts
Yes, I could make every window a bit bigger to make up for it. If I could. But I cannot, as most of my UI already is covered with windows (many windows, such as locations, drones, watchlist, inventory are not shown in the above screenshots) and every bit of screen space counts for me.
My recommendation:
Stop unnecessarily wasting space please.
The most important thing I want of a new UI is that it takes an equal or less amount of space to show just as much information as I could see right now. Smaller and more information is better. Bigger and less information, like it is now, means I will very much dislike this UI, no matter what else you do with the UI.
Any other UI improvements such as unifying the theme and making it look better are of course welcome, but will be wasted if the UI itself is functionally a step back from the existing one.