'Wetu' Mobile depot destruction

Then let’s compare it again to a small POS, which is cheap, quick to anchor, and has a reinforcement timer that cannot be bypassed. A POS has no damage cap.

look on zkill 6/20 for ‘wetu’ and look at the battle report . 2 ships applied damage to his depot , including 3 volleys from a stealth bomber . that’s not alpha damage . fact check if you’d be so kind , and tell me what you think happened …

just tested on sisi . they can’t be alpha’d . you apply the full 5000 shield damage and it becomes invulnerable .


That is just further confirmation of a bug and/or exploit then, since it appears the timer was bypassed WITHOUT the need for it to be alpha’d before the reinforcement timer.

EDIT: I’ve been running on the assumption that OP isn’t a moron and anchored the depot when he entered the site. Is that the case? If not, maybe it was blown up before the anchoring timer had finished (in which case, get rekt scrub u r bad).

hopefully the op’s petition has been answered , and he now knows the difference between launch for self and jettison … :grinning:
shame on everyone so quick to cry hack or exploit or start false rumors about bugs …
did more testing …
depot damaged to less than 25% shield while onlining , has no rf timer .
if the shields are repaired above 25% , then it will have the normal rf timer if attacked .
fly safe ~

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