WH citadel timers (low power)

Hi spacefriends, I just wanted to double check I’m not being dumb. I understand in WH space, a citadel in low power has a 1/2 day timer between the armour bash and structure.

So, if we take the default schedule which iirc was Saturday at 18:00 (+/-2), does that mean that if someone bashed my Astra and put it into reinforced by say, midnight on Friday, it would come out that same Sat between 4 and 8? It seems obvious but I feel like I might be missing something, so thought I should check.


Pretty sure your description is accurate. Wormhole space structure timer can take place anywhere after .5 days from armor timer. meaning if by midnight friday, the structure timer should be able to be hit sometime after 12:00

it has a minimum of .5 days however it can be up to a week if you time it wrong

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