You are inherently incorrect.
If the word “gank” was only for highsec ganking, why would the “suicide” prefix even need to be attached? Suicide ganking occurs when your ship gets destroyed afterwards. Regular ganking occurs when your ship does not get destroyed afterwards.
Most people complain about ganking because they don’t like losing a bunch of money by being careless, lazy, or uninformed. They shorten the term “suicide gank” because who wants to type “suicide gank” and “suicide ganking” every time when just “gank” will get the message across.
That’s what I always say as well. Finally someone talking sense. The “we just call it PvP” argument is also dumb, ganking and suicide ganking are both PvP activities, just like “suspect baiting” or “black ops blobbing” or whatever.
Ganking simply means “gang-killing”, aka attacking a target with such overwhelming force, that it can neither fight back successfully, nor flee or be saved in time by any support.
In EVE that usually means any kill faster than ~30 seconds is a gank, because in around 30 seconds the quickest “secure suvival” can happen by CONCORD blowing up all attackers - no matter how many - in HighSec. In all other spaces not even a Cyno and a standby fleet or a supportfleet on the other side of a gate would save you against any force that could kill you in below 30 seconds because you simply would be dead before your support could jump+lock+kill the attackers/RR you. So technically you were also just “ganked” when blown up by a gatecamp in 20 seconds. Nonetheless, the common meaning in EVE for “gank” is a suicide attack in HighSec space.
No, not at all. This is EvE, the traditional definition of gank is in HiSec only. EvE is different, we dont have quests (missions), builds (fits), or healers (logi) either.
Walking down the street and killing someone is murder (gank in HS, combat generally not expected), doing the same during a war is a kill (PvP not in HS, combat should be expected).
The “gank” does not differentiate between good and bad reasons for the kill. “to gank someone” just describes, like I have already explained, to kill someone with such overwhelming force that he has no option of defense or escape. I don’t debate that the term is commonly used in EVE explicitly for suicide attacks in highsec, I just wanted to shine some light on he origins of the wording. See here: gank - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
No it is not. It is a perfectly fine argument. I just call ganking PVP too, because that’s what it is. Nullsec, lowsec, highsec, and WH PVP are all PVP. You can pretty well differentiate the overarching themes just by location.
Null: Bubbles, kiting, and response fleets
Low: Solo/Small Gang, brawling, and very cheap ships
High: Max damage, wardecs, over-before-you-know-what’s-happening
WH: Expensive stuff, cloaky hunting, and very well-coordinated fleets
It’s a more general definition and if you use a “fleet of cats” to bring a single target down within a few seconds, it fits the spirit of the definition pretty well imho. But of course you are free to believe whatever you want.
I’ll call it What I want, When I want, How I want, and for whatever reasons I want. This “trying to educate on the correct usage of a word” schtick is hilarious. It means whatever I say it means.