What are corporate standings for now?

I’m not entirely sure what they’re used for now? I never really bothered with them back in the day, but I know they affected a lot of stuff. Now it just looks like they’re for show or something? Sorry for the stupid question. I’ve been going over all the wikis and I can’t find a good answer.

NPC corporations? For higher tier missions.

No I mean derived standings from being in a player corp. I know back in the day they were used for jump clones, but I can’t find anything they actually affect right now. They don’t affect mission access, tax rates, brokerage fees, or any of the other stuff you typically care about standings for.

I think the only use for corp standings these days is for entry to Factional Warfare.

Absolutely nothing other than Faction Warfare these days, CCP basically gutted any use for corp standings whatsoever ages ago.

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