What Are You Eating And Drinking Right Now?

@Salartarium That looks mighty mighty good. Makes me want to go and take out Chinese food.



sunday apero

for my :sparkling_heart:


@Ogun_Ferraille Is that raw bacon on the plate?

raw ham :yum:

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Oh ok. I don’t eat raw stuff so I didn’t know what that was. Looks like you had a good time. :+1:

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you don’t know what you’re missing. If you happen to go to Spain, Croatia or italy try this incredible specialty.

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It’s true, I don’t. I can’t eat raw stuff, my body can’t handle the cellulose and I get stomach pains and bloating.


Not your fault :sweat_smile:
What I do eat bring me joy of food just the same :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh, but that’s not raw! It’s cured ham: air and salt dried pig legs, which vary in quality less to more from male to female and fore and hind. Actually males usually aren’t used because even castrated ones may develop hormones that give their fat a unpleasant flavor.

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Pizza-Pizza! :yum:

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you’re right, my english vocabulary is not so rich :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
However, the two best cured hams I tasted were in Ronda, Spain (pata negra) and in Motovun, Hrvatska (istrian prsut).

Nothing to comment about @YHWH_Is_Lord tortilla :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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C’mon!! You know it’s pizza! :joy: Mine even had chicken on it.

I don’t eat pizzas, imo it’s the worst food in the world :woman_shrugging:

How is it the worst food? It’s bread, tomato sauce and veggies/meat/fish/chicken… you can also top it with fresh ingredients. I don’t see how it’s bad for you. :person_shrugging:

Optionally cheese too. :wink:

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:heart: ( Circumventing the like system )

How can I forget the cheese!?!

restaurants and industries normally use bad flours, bad cooking rich in carbon residues and a mess of low quality caloric ingredients.
In any case I do not like it a t a l l , n o t i n m y l o r e


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It’s clear that anything homemade is always better. :+1: