What Are You Eating And Drinking Right Now?

There’s pizza, homemade pizza, trattoria pizza, restaurant pizza, industrial pizza, US pizza, pineapple pizza and then banana and pineapple pizza with caramel syrup as last meal so the firing squad is eager to do their job.

(Pizza is not sweet. It was never meant to be sweet. Sweet pizza makes baby jesus cry and kicks puppies and kills kittens. Sweet pizza is evil, people)

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Ice cream pizza. :blush:


That’s definitely beerporn right there.

Fantastic glass :+1:t2:

I thought so too. Beerporn indeed! There’s bigger but I’m not usually that thirsty :sweat_smile:

Still want to buy you several rounds of beer, compadre :saluting_face:
Hopefully that wish will come true.

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I’m going to say that after seeing that glass with that beer just happened to give me a reason here just after 5am


Beer breakfast like the British back in the Middle Ages


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That does look good but I don’t drink beer in the morning. Although Cheers to You!!
For some wierd reason I thought you were in Europe :thinking:
Good morning to you then.

You may ask when did beer become unacceptable for breakfast? Nobody told me!

I’m down under where the pubs open 8:amearly.

@Chad_Frostpacker I have no problem with anyone drinking in the morning. I’m not a beer drinker for that long and only fruity beers now and I prefer to drink in the late afternoon but you do you, Frosty. Far from me to judge anyone.
So you’re a crocodile dundee are you!
Double salute then! :saluting_face::saluting_face:

You had mentioned cheers to me though there is no celebration type reason currently other than opening a small glimpse of what happened after seeing that beerporn an hour ago.

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I say Cheers! as a salute or agreement.
That glass of beer did get me thirsty though!

Maybe Chad considers it a meal: liquid bread - Wiktionary, the free dictionary :wink:

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@Uriel_the_Flame Frosry can do anything he wishes as far as I’m concerned. If he wants to have beer for breakfast then
Breakfast of Champions

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Which should include the following dish,



Carbonade with rice and vegies today.



@Ogun_Ferraille I have enough for 2 if you stop by, my friend. :blush:

Inb4 he knocks on your door without you ever telling him where you live. :thinking:

:eyes: :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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It’s fine, I ain’t scared of stalkers, they’re usually misunderstood misfits of society.

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