What Are You Eating And Drinking Right Now?

I am having, five minute mashed potatoes mixed with creamy, Jiffy peanut butter. It’s not a bad taste to be honest. I could see a dish made from potatoes and creamy or chunky peanut butter. Maybe add in some bean and bacon soup as well.


Wolf Brand Chili, chocolate milk, and a Marlboro…

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I’m drinking Quafe though frosty is drinking beer :beer:


Watch out if you drink so much beer that girl from the forums will call you out on your Homer Simpson belly (as she put it) again. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :innocent:

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I can’t believe that I almost took a screenshot last week with my little pinky shoved in my belly button… my belly is not that big though will need to cut down my drinking habit for Grindr dating.

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Are you planning to cheating on @Aiko_Danuja? :thinking:

Tell Aiko to unblock Marco Frostpacker, received a channel ban just yesterday on him.

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Sure thing, but you have to send the courier’s fee of 1 bil ISK first. :wink: :smirk: :blush:

Sent to fang tell her.

/ wait msg Aiko if she unblocks Frostpacker she might make it on the bottom on this year’s Christmas gift list and that would knock @DeMichael_Crimson off the list.

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If you sent it to her then she is the courier, if you want me to send it to Aiko you have to send the fee to me. :wink:

But because of your undisciplined transaction you will have to send 2 bil instead as a form of late transaction processing fee. :popcorn:

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IsK don’t mean squat to Frostpacker.

It’s actually very funny to read how so few really know the value of a pilot.

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I think Aiko knows the worth of a pilot, it all depends on how many 1 bil transactions the pilot is willing to undertake per month how much that pilot is wort to her.


Well frosty did appreciate the times he was in her presence.

Right now, having breakfast: egg bacon pepper over buttered toast, croissant, strawberry juice and coffee.

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mukbang of this:


Just had boiled potato with green beans and a second of grilled chicken breast, accompanied with bread and olive oil and egg custard :custard: for dessert. Also cold tap water for drinking. Sophisticated I am not, but healthy is my food.


Not sure why you tagged me…

If you think I’m an alt of Aiko, then you’re incorrect.

I think what he meant is if Aiko unblocks him he will add her back to the xmas gift list which if happens will kick you off of that list as a result. But hey this is a Frostpacker post so it can mean literally anything. :upside_down_face:

Still doesn’t explain why I was tagged… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I guess after that last thread there is no escaping the Frospakcer forum experience for you now. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :blush:

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