If you are a long time forum reader you know I love glass cannon setups that do a ton of dps and have the bare minimum when it comes to tank, well lately I’ve been having a lot of connection issues so I’m looking for some more robust setups. So in this case Idiot proof should mainly mean disconnection poof. You can have all the dps in the world and it doesn’t matter if you are disconnected as it won’t apply to ■■■■. Meanwhile the NPCs gather round and stab you to death with rusty spoons.
I’d like to try and stay as efficient as possible, already losing a lot of warp speed not using machs as much as I’d like too. I managed to throw enough cap mods onto my arty mach to blitz Dread Pirate with some safety (yes you can one shot her with only one gyro!). My main thought it to use marauders, with their higher than base warp speed, massive tank bonuses and decent dps, they should end up doing reasonably well. Also the MJD bonus can be used for mobility and tank. The first few setups that I have been using are mainly old setups I used to use with a few extra cap mods. Paladin, mach, and rattlesnake I mostly just threw on a cap battery.
And of course fits for burner missions are great! This thread on the old forums seems to cover most of them, but it is missing a few and fits can almost always be improved on. and someone poke me to update the link when the forum switch over happens! https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=6885093
some potential issues:
Disconnection mechanics are a little funny right now It seems the server doesn’t see your disconnect for a few minutes after it happens, so extra cap stability is a goal, also one of the primary reasons for this thread. If emergency warps were working I’d be mostly fine, at least outside of burners.
Drones or auto-targeting missiles will keep shooting for a little while at least, however that might involve hitting a trigger. Typically when you dc your weapons stop, but if the server doesn’t see the DC it won’t stop the guns.