What considerations has CCP made for PvE after Resist nerf?

This is not even true. L4 and L5 filaments are so min/max that you need DED grade AB’s and DED resist mods. It is literally the hardest solo content in the game. there is no ship that can not speed tank them and there is no ship that can survive without high resists

This is completely unrelated.
Also you fail to show it is “not even true” by exhibiting an example that actually fits my wording.

You know what you should do? Go and get a fit built up that is capable of reliably running T4 filaments. Go see how much effort you put in and ISK that costs and then imagine if a patch nullified all of that work and cost you 3Bil. And make it not a Gila because why should only one ship work?

oh another one really?

L4 and L5 filaments are so min/max that you need DED grade AB’s and DED resist mods

it right there. And you can prove it for yourself. Youll be dead within 10 seconds if you not moving at 600+m/s with 80% omni and 500 regen. Why should i have to prove something that is known by everyone who has ever run these?

The more important question is : how is that related to what I wrote ? Because it’s not.

So it’s unrelated.
What you need to prove, is that your soup of words actually makes a sense in the context. Which it does not.

it does make sense. I’m sorry i cant help people with comprehension issues. Let me break it down for you in REAL SIMPLE TERMS

You state that the people the nerf hurts the most are people who dont rely on speed tanks.

I’ve been posting here for days that this patch has seriously affected my game-play which relies on both high resists AND speed tank. If you take away the resists and you’re already using an a rated AB, explain to me how that the change is resists does not have an effect?

indeed, but you can help by not making complete garbage retard post. That would be a good start.

No I don’t.
I state that the person that the nerf hurts the MORE are the people who rely MORE on resistances to tank, so people who CANT speed tank NOR range tank are hurt MORE than people who can.
That’s in the context of the same activity, I am not comparing activities between them.

You are the one with comprehension issues.

Dude you are not able to understand SIMPLE things like the one I wrote. There’s no way I would even give your opinion the smallest attention.

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Yeah change your point and try to pretend i’m the dumb one…SO now your point is:

“I state that the person that the nerf hurts the MORE are the people who rely MORE on resistances to tank”

yeah resist nerfs tend to have that effect. Glad this is sorted out. Thank you for that extremely smart and insightful addition to the forum community. I will remember that when resists are nerfed it hurts people who rely on resists.

too bad what you ACTUALLY said is
“The people who were the most hurt by this nerf are the people who rely on resist to tank, so those who don’t range tank nor speed tank. So brawler fits.”

I don’t change my point.
You just can’t keep my sentence in its context. Which fits the definition of “comprehension issue”.

Well what I was actually answering to was claiming that this was false. So yeah that was needed because people like you have issues keeping things in context.

Drum Bass.

Too bad you are too stupid to understand the notion of context and how removing a quote from its context is retarded.

You are a nice person and I like you.

Yeah I made a lot of effort to explain you nicely why you were wrong, even if you showed yourself a complete retard in the end.

Hop in my Ibis and maybe we can park outside Jita for a while?

Sorry but I don’t see a reason to waste more time. I already explained you that you needed to keep the context when quoting someone, otherwise what you claim it says and what it actually says are two different things and your claim is “garbage”.

What I propose you is that you read again what I actually wrote, in which context, and if it can be applied to a comparison between abyssal activities and another.
And to do that until you understand that no, it can’t. And that therefore your whole point was stupid to start with.

And then try to make your point have a sense, by compleetely rewriting it.

and youre lecturing me on double quotes…

Just read it again and …no I don’t agree that people who rely on speed tanks are less affected by the patch.

My offer is still open though and may I can entice you with the few illegal boosters in my cargo hold? There’s plenty of room. I already ejected my 10 X Prostitutes into a can.

were can i get this prostitutes in a can you are talking about?

Go in Jita and pretend you are my alt.
Should work 100% . Source : I am my own alt.


you can get them from certain L4 mission if they are still around. I’m not sure you will survive though because L4 mission usually rely on resists and not speed tank which means you will be “most” effected.

ty sir you saved my life

The part where you care so much about a loss that you come to the forums to whine about it.

Cool. And now it’s harder, as endgame content should be. Adapt or go back to WoW.

But thanks for continuing to prove that PvE players don’t care about challenging and interesting PvE content, they just want to farm at maximum ISK per hour.