So I did almost all career agency`s
industries looks cool in future but now they Eh
combat career is cool because they give you nice ship and puf puf is cool
So when I have 150 mm railguns found out how to explore, what do I do next - because just saving money for blueprints is boring
And also I want to ask you about this
Are they limited with alpha or what?
also can I change name in same pilot?
need to swap name with surname
Run sisters of eve epic arc. Give it a google search
Yes. Alpha clones have restrictions on what skills and ships they can use. You can view the difference here:
However, a very good number of the ships a newer pilot would fly are accessible by Alpha clones. There is a lot you can still do as an Alpha.
No. Well, if the character is brand new, you might get help from a GM , but name changes are not functionality that exists in Eve.
Otherwise, just make a new one in one of your character slots. You can transfer all the stuff you have accumulated over, and you can’t have trained that many skills yet.
The standard advice is to join a corp. That might be a good idea if you know what you like, although I suggest you find a corp that actually does what you want and doesn’t just claim they do everything.
Otherwise, explore this old gem:
and see what you like. I would caution though that as an Alpha, it is best to skip all the industry/mining professions. Dabble if you want to understand how they work, but you are too restricted to compete with Omega account veterans doing industry. Stick to combat/exploration professions.
Once you find something you like, join a corp (or community). Eve really is best enjoyed as a social game for most people.
“So I did almost all career agency`s
industries looks cool in future but now they Eh”
I would stay clear from industry for now, there isn’t really much to do and the money isn’t good either. People also probably wouldn’t appreciate another half af carebear.
“combat career is cool because they give you nice ship and puf puf is cool
So when I have 150 mm railguns found out how to explore, what do I do next - because just saving money for blueprints is boring”
Please do not save up for blueprints you will regret it and they are useless for new players. Just find what you like, if you have decent guns I would try some combat anomalies in the agency tab. Don’t be afraid to lose your ships but don’t fly what you cannot lose.
“And also I want to ask you about this
< Image >
Are they limited with alpha or what?”
Alpha is like the unlimited free trial, there are restrictions on skills, ships, modules and the things you can fly. There are ways to get omega in game but I caution you not to look at those as they will turn the game into a job.
“also can I change name in same pilot?
need to swap name with surname”
No your name sticks with you forever, you can never change it.
I would honestly suggest to try out exploration. Try watching a vid about that and make some friends along the way. Join a corp perhaps but don’t join ones that advertise, just look for people you like and enjoy spending time with.
I have given you a small tip of some isks to help you get started and because I like your attitude and how you strive to learn more.
The SoE arc is good advice. It’s a ±20 mission chain that sends you all over high sec, and gives a bit of a tour, and explanation of some of the lore behind eve.
Don’t rush it though, as you’re doing the arc, try out some other activities as well, run some missions, run some anomalies, run some exploration sites, dive into low sec and get blown up by a gate camp, etc… Look for nice corps you may want to join. Try things out and see what you like doing.
Indeed, exploration is one of the best paying activities for a new player. The best pay is in wormholes and null-sec, so it’s not for the risk averse.
As for industry, as a new player you’ll generally earn more selling the raw materials, then building stuff and trying to sell that.
I’d advise against mining, although it’s popular, it’s one of the worse paying activities for a new player, and skills trained for mining don’t transfer to other activities.
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