What do y'all think about a 1-time perma PVP opt out for accounts?

If you don’t want to have PVP, why play EVE? There are way better single player space games with so much better PVE.

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Uninstall is the option you are looking for, goodbye

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Nope he has support, many of us want EVE for the PVE side of it.

No reason to uninstall , just keep PVE:ing and suggesting cool new features like this one. Maybe we get it someday if we keep being vocal.

As i said above, if you want pve without player interaction then nothing should be able to be sold to other players or build ships or buy stuff

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This is a PvP Game.

Giving a player a permanent opt-out will be abused and break the game.

considering that everything is Player versus Player…

Then this idea requires:

No Isk for bounties
Inability to interact with the market (no buying or selling on the player market)
Inability to create contracts
Planetary Interaction is disallowed
Manufacturing slots are disallowed
Science Slots are disallowed
Ability to anchor things in space is not allowed
Opportunities Rewards are blocked
No Lp is accumulated as interaction with LP stores is dissallowed

in short
No Manufacturing

Have fun with your corvette…oh that isnt fun…then uninstall.


Those systems are the starter systems, not the career agent systems.

Maybe you’re aware of that, but I just wanted to clarify it for others.


There’s a list of the career agent locations, which is also a subset of systems where player grieving is discouraged. I’m not sure if CCP would care if a veteran died in any of these locations though.

As to the op’s suggestion. Stay in highsec, don’t fly blingy things or transport overly valuable items, and you’ll likely never have to deal with someone shooting you.

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Well idk if her post was edited, but she says starter, not career

Right, I understand. I just wanted to clarify, because for many people, the career agent systems, are the rookie systems. It’s less of an issue of what she said, and more about people’s potential perception of what she said.

peoples potential perception is a non issue if they know how to read.

In my experience with people on this forum, that very rarely is the case. :stuck_out_tongue:

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EXACTLY ! you want to be 100% safe then be ready for not earning anything as reward !

btw you forgot that the marked should be disabled for you ! otherwise you could play as miner and just sell the ores or minerals !

are you replying to me, or just quoting me and replying to the OP…and no I did not forget the market…its the 2nd thing on the list.

does it matter ? oO i agree with all the restrictions ! nothing more nothing less …

youre right … i didnt noticed this point !

considering this idea is garbage, yes it mattered to me on how i might or might not engage you back in reply. But I will let that dog lie as you agree the OP’s idea is garbage.

People like you don’t understand that EVE depends on player interactions for everything (or should depend, if CCP hadn’t corrupted the system so much already). Without PVP and player interaction in general, you would inevitably have to lose entire swaths of the ecosystem.

For instance, mission rewards depend entirely on player interactions. If players do not run certain missions, their rewards gradually increase to make them more valuable. Likewise, if too many people run particular missions, their rewards drop to encourage people to do something else. You don’t notice that much anymore because all missions over the years found their equilibrium and don’t change much anymore. However, this ages old system (introduced by a CCP that knew better how to code their game in certain aspects) was very visibly at work when CCP introduced the new Burner missions or Dread Pirate Scarlet. They had extremely high LP and ISK rewards at the start, which quickly dropped because the missions were farmed a lot.

Without player interactions, there is no need for dynamic rewards. You don’t lose your mission gear anymore and thus don’t need high rewards. LP would lose their value almost entirely because their value depends entirely on people buying the LP items like ships and modules. Without player interaction, far fewer people need to replace ship and module losses due to PVP, thus far fewer need your LP store items.

Same story for DED blue loot or faction drops. By far fewer people need those and then you are sitting on worthless A-Type Invuls or Estamel Invuls. Or they are being bought by NPC buy orders, which will give you a much lower price than the previous player markets because the game needs to manage the money economy much more severely.

Without player interaction, your PVE experience would inevitably suffer because PVE viability and rewards depend entirely on the player interaction. If people like you would get a hearing in CCP (more than you already did and managed to almost ruin lots of aspects (remember the population locked SCC sites that impeded player interaction in a space where it should be a mandatory part of the gameplay?)), you would ruin the game way more than you think your PVE Mode would help it.

Which might be good. Maybe this will be the nail in the coffin that finally puts EVE down.

@Otome_Asakura Would be nice to have a PvE server, a PvP server and a Sanbox server.

then go and play another game ? oO CCP dont create a PvE server … and its a stupid idea because this game is based on PvP and destruction ! whats the point of an PvE server if nothing goes BOOM ?


Make me :slightly_smiling_face:

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