What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

Oh noooooooe! ;D

Well, my corp and I are withdrawing (mostly) from WH space after a fun 19… no, 20 month run now. So back to HS for now and NPSI PVP and NPSI PVE fleets mostly. BUT… I would be open to trying nullsec one day. Corpmate of mine trying to get me, the CEO, anyone else… to come join karmafleet, as he’s in goons (and I don’t really have anything against goons in EVE compared to the average grrr goonser… however, I do have some residual anti-Something Awful bias from some internet hijinx back in 2003-2005ish… too long a story and too off-topic for here).

He’s almost got me convinced (biggest USTZ nullsec group, no other real options, etc. etc.)… I wish there was room for smaller groups in NS like there is for small groups in WH space (outside of C6 space, that is), but… alas.

One must either resist the blue donut or join it. There is no fighting it (for very long, at least)… from what I see/hear.

P.S. my subs run out in Feb as well, what a coincidence! did you, like me, switch from year long subs last summer when CCP started doing the 3 month sub + 3 month MCT deals? I’ve been on 2 rounds of that (x3 toons) for a total of 6 months sub and 6 months MCT now… and it’s nearly at an end. I hope CCP either does another round of 3 month sub/MCT here in a bit or else… back to a good/decent 12 month sub deal? Otherwise I might just have to start plexing (partially, at least) like some of my space-richer friends in game.