What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

Can I have your stuff?

Oh noooooooe! ;D

Well, my corp and I are withdrawing (mostly) from WH space after a fun 19… no, 20 month run now. So back to HS for now and NPSI PVP and NPSI PVE fleets mostly. BUT… I would be open to trying nullsec one day. Corpmate of mine trying to get me, the CEO, anyone else… to come join karmafleet, as he’s in goons (and I don’t really have anything against goons in EVE compared to the average grrr goonser… however, I do have some residual anti-Something Awful bias from some internet hijinx back in 2003-2005ish… too long a story and too off-topic for here).

He’s almost got me convinced (biggest USTZ nullsec group, no other real options, etc. etc.)… I wish there was room for smaller groups in NS like there is for small groups in WH space (outside of C6 space, that is), but… alas.

One must either resist the blue donut or join it. There is no fighting it (for very long, at least)… from what I see/hear.

P.S. my subs run out in Feb as well, what a coincidence! did you, like me, switch from year long subs last summer when CCP started doing the 3 month sub + 3 month MCT deals? I’ve been on 2 rounds of that (x3 toons) for a total of 6 months sub and 6 months MCT now… and it’s nearly at an end. I hope CCP either does another round of 3 month sub/MCT here in a bit or else… back to a good/decent 12 month sub deal? Otherwise I might just have to start plexing (partially, at least) like some of my space-richer friends in game.

Funny, I just crawled out from a 2 yr stint in a WH! ( 89 Bil in PI, top 1% in my vid! :crazy_face: )

No, it had to be last March/April that CCP did something that pissed me off for the last time. I don’t even remember what it was, after all the times CCP pulled the rug out from under us, you lose track. Since then, I got ready to unsub. My longest sub ran out in Feb and I kicked myself for being stuck for so long. I subbed the other 2 acct’s to time out at apx the same time.

I just got sick of CCP seeing a problem/abuse and taking the easy way out. Nerf the ship and not the game mechanics that promote the problem/abuse. I like to pick on Goons (Grrr, Goons :rage: :rofl: ) because its their job is to break the game. (If they didn’t do it, someone else would) And you have to respect whomever came up with Gridfu, lol.


These are the stories I would like to hear! lol I’ve heard some tales from the older players, but its like me trying to tell new players what it was like when I joined. You just had to be there… :upside_down_face:

And just to repeat myself, I miss when the game was worthy of a short! :sunglasses:


I haven’t been playing for long, but there are some specific people who I miss.

The average online players is 21 thousand.

Ugh, I really sucked at keeping up with my PI. And I was only doing it with 3 toons, I have corpmates doing it with 6, 9, etc.

I might do it in a c3 at some point with 5 toons… but I’m not training my other 4 into PI right now.

Ah. (to your unsub vs. sub recent histories).

As for Gridfu… that pdf file (I didn’t even click on it, I’ve seen it before ;D) was done by a Goon, I believe.

and yeah… my stories from back then are from website vs. website battles, not spaceship battles. ;D I didn’t start playing EVE in 2013. Internet is (or was) just a small place once upon a time.

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I miss my stealth bomber being able to launch cruise missiles.


The old atmosphere - the classic eve music, the classic nebulae, the classic stations, the classic everything. I wish CCP would bring some of that stuff back. The new stuff is good too but they shouldn’t have completely gotten rid of the old stuff in the process. It would be nice to have a mixture of both, with some of the classic eve still in the game.

The old Executioner model - the new one is trash… the old one looked so cool. Meanwhile, they left the Atron model and the Thorax model as they are. (the Thorax even slightly hangs downward as though it really is a semi-flaccid phallus that is slowly losing it’s hard-on). At least make it straight ffs. And as for the Atron - take the two half-ships that it’s made of, and turn them into two separate models that we can choose from, the same way we choose our paint jobs.


I dunno, I rather like the new executioner model… but then, I’m not an Amarrian pilot originally, tho I do have a couple alts…

As for Thorax and Atron… no… come on, man. Gotta fix the Imicus and Helios first. They’re atrocious!

They really should have released Dust on PC as its own game and later added an addition to CQ that allowed eve players to connect to dust. I was really looking forward to what could have been and I never got to try dust out even though it looked like a great game.


I remember CCP Ytterbium. He had no idea of the study he was reading and too big of an ego to admit it. Colours are always faster to differentiate than symbols, peripheral vision or not. On topic: I miss proper highsec antagoism and people who aren’t as soft as a ten ply sheet of toilet paper.

@BC_Hastings My respect, Sir. o7

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Honestly the need to put dust in the eve client. id also like to see a factorio style PI game. Like you can do normal PI, or run the factorio PI client, to really maximize the production.

Theres a lot they could do to sort of star citizen this game. Its sad ccp wasted so much resources on projects destined to fail.

The standard eve game serves such a great foundation for a multi game universe if it were only connected into one game world.

If i could queue up for fps fw for isk on my normal eve account id absolutely do it between other eve activites. If i could factorio my PI set up I would. If I could valykari client for exploration using my ships I would. But I cant, it doest exist, the flight sim eve game is separated, and dust is dead on a legacy PlayStation ecosystem.


i miss being able to log in and stay in game. anything beyond that presently is all gravy.


The web browser. Kept me inside the game, playing the game, as I multi-tasked.


The servers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


With respect to the fact the GM / Dev’ing a game like Eve is a brutal job as far as making everyone happy…

I think that pre CCP Fozzie anything is better than after he laid his hands on it. It seems like everything he changed or touched was made worse, or at least made more unpopular.


I miss the time before warp to 0. That was fun.


Suddenly Ninjas and the Ninja Lifestyle
I was a director for many years and we trained so many players in basic hunting skills. All of those friends gone now thanks mostly to Crimewatch. So many fun aspects of the game were killed by that one change. so many friends, their blogs (My Loot, Your Tears and Aiden’s Finders & Keepers) which were highly influential and so entertaining, all gone now. No one ever said it was elite PVP, but it was fun and introduced many people to the thrill of shooting other players. If only you could have seen our Ninja Swarms of Vigils invading missions back when loot and salvage actually mattered.

Can Flipping
I made so many friends this way and so did many in this thread, at least those of us who still care and play. The removal of which has made high sec ridiculously quiet. Local isn’t even needed anymore in places like Ruvas, Umokka, and so many others places. Seriously, why was it a bad thing that people flew around in Merlins and the like and got in fights with other players?

The Old Ways of War Deccing
This led to explosions, lots of them. There was a time when moar explosions was moar gud…

Kil2 Videos and Podcast
Hey, he can play once again so maybe there’s a chance…

Scrapheap Challenge
Such a fun resource, gone I guess due to apathy.

The Old Aura
How could it not be simple as cake to make this an option in the ESC menu? I can even use other voices on Waze on my phone and it’s a free app.

The Old Jukebox
I would often listen to Miners Stories and But Still We Go On on heavy rotation… surely this is not a difficult thing to bring back.

The Original Invasion Events
I really feel bad for folks who missed this. A smarty-equipped Sansha carrier in High Sec podding newbs whilst can flipping and fur balls fights were going on all over the grid. It was glorious.

The old HML Drake and Whelp Cane meta
Terrible nerfs that should be undone.

Hot Swapping with an Orca
So much fun, a pity that it doesn’t work anymore.

Rooks and Kings Videos
So good…

The Alliance Tournament
I can’t imagine that a Kickstarter Campaign wouldn’t raise insane amounts of cash to fund this if need be.

The Old Rifter


Not going to talk about nerfs etc. but overall

7 years ago, when I first started playing, New Eden felt alive and dangerous and difficult.
Today, it’s empty and if not, full of bots.

Many, many people who made this sandbox super fascinating quit and I feel this mostly.
I have no doubt they got replaced but nobody new today (or post 2 years ago) can possibly experience this universe the way I did when I started my journey.

Apart from that I miss station environments. I know a lot of people are going to whine about that but I enjoyed sitting in that station, while doing stuff afk. And I still don’t know what’s behind that door.

What Else:

They should have introduced the option to paint your ship different colours (Homeworld) like so many people wanted, not a skin money grab.

And the worst thing about Eve today is a free to play version called alpha which killed everything.