What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

:joy: An enduring mystery!

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I miss being able to login


I miss the old Torpedo explosions.

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I too started in 2005 (on my first Character) i agree with 99% of the OP’s post
i would even pay for the ability to play on a pre-upwell version of the game , i really miss the game play that living in a POS created you dont get that with upwel structures

if they made the upwel structures more like a POS in game play it would be great

  • if the station dies you loose your ■■■■ - REMOVE ASSET SAFETY
  • able to defend itself by death staring it with guns that auto fired based on standings
  • able to use it for anything ( service modules suck ) 1 POS could build everything do everything same should be the case for upwel

I miss my old legion fit before the t3 rebalancing wave. It wasnt overpowered but the subsystems I used gave it an awesome visual configuration!

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yea I do miss the guys that I used to see, hope the ones I know now stay.
miss the ingame browser, don’t have to be one if u install Tripwire in eve…please
some of the old sounds, this dam woosh pop when u warp is plain stupid.
most of all I gues I miss the complexity of old EVE.
I enjoyed it was complex, now as most other games its gone to help the noob, which isn’t even fine in the beginning, learn it, like we used to then be proud you learnt it

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It’s not about “privilege” (tho I don’t know if something you obtained by “working” on it can be considered a “privilege”, but whatever), it’s about knowing that at any time, the game devs might decide that it’s time to reset everything, aka deleting every effort you have put in the game.

I’m only ~40 days old on EvE, so I have done nothing of value really, but I know this would make me stop the game instantly. Why even START investing yourself if you know that, at the end of the day, it is worth nothing and will be deleted for the sake of entertaining the next generation of new players?

Besides, I have seen several games die with this kind of attempt, because they obviously lost a part of their old playerbase in the process, and didn’t grab as much new players as expected.

“Classic” versions I think are a different topic. It’s not much about “reseting progression”, even if it’s part of the deal of course, it’s about providing a version of the game that is fundamentally different from the current one. Almost like a different game.

I miss playing.


Someone mentioned that before, but I’ll play to the same nostalgic tune: I miss the 380M/30day game time era.
EDIT: The same time when PLEX meant 30 day game time per one PLEX (item), none of that 450 PLEXes for 30 days nowadays.


Your right, there never will be a singular make everyone happy dev route in eve. The whole CSM thing was suppose to give voices to people not connected to CCP where the forming opinion was that CCP eve players would give certain segments power to influence, CSM was a counter to that, and remarkable as an idea, as most games have little representative communication.

I’m more interested in EVE maintaining a balance of all things vs dev mechanics to manipulate player action.

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  • 300 Mill PLEX
  • pirats corp doing mining ops in Ammamake belts guarded by Caracals

Playing. Seems these days you cant even get into the game…hehe


Being able to log in. :frowning:


Consequentially that is something that happened almost all the time for years so maybe it is coming back. I just started playing again from a 7 year break and this is exactly how i remember it when i first started. Every update they did you had to have very long skills to train because you could only train one at a time and you never knew if you could log in for a week. One of the first updates i remember it was so broken that after you were able to log in if you un-docked or warped to a gate concord would just kill you they were killing everything in-game so no where was safe. I remember when you didn’t want to be the first to log back in one update they rewrote everyone boot program and my computer wouldn’t boot back up until i went and bought a windows disk to reinstalled windows.


For me personally, I miss not having in game chat channels. This was a great feature and now all my chat channels are empty. I do still keep them though for the nostalgia effect. Those were good times…


Pretty much everything pre-CCP Seagull. I do miss walking in stations, not that you could do anything, but sometimes it was cool to chill in a station and think about what you wanted to do next or whatever. I liked the ambiance, sitting on the couch planning my next activity.

I miss the jukebox as well. I wish they would have done a lot more with the contraband (drugs, slaves, vitioc, guns, etc) Why not have smuggling missions or some such idea?

I am not a big fan of planetary interaction the way it was implemented, especially the owning of the stations, I forget what they are called.

I’m ok with the skins, not so sure about the player owned stations, I see a lot of them abandoned.

I like that they added the Triglavian content, at least it is something new to do, wish they would add some new lvl 4 missions??

Thanks for reading!



300 mill? My goodness…there was a time right before my most recent multi year hiatus…that PLEX was like 1.2bill a pop. Those were the days that it was nice to subsidize other players accounts, I’m here to tell ya. lol. Lots has changed since the last time I was around. But hey…explosions are SUPER pretty now.

AoE torpedoes and mines.

Yea. Sometimes, I think someone within CCP is poisoning the well on purpose.


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