What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

There was NO ransoming of pods. :skull:

I just watched some retro eve movies on yt. Damn i miss old sounds, gate jumps, modules, effects, all was a way better than current one, they feel more cooler and fit more into eve world :disappointed:


I do prefer the dystopic ‘feel’ of the old avatars.

And i still prefer the old neocom icons. After years of the new ones i still find myself mixin them up or having to concentrate more than i feel I should before i find the one i want because they look alike.


Guiding Hand Social Club
Old aggro mechanics
Can flipping and corp baiting
The Tears of a Clown (player rage before the CODE era)
One shot hulks and insurance payouts
Suddenly ninjas


Amen to all that.


How does that work? I wasn’t playing before 2013.

For us, it meant that we could no longer afford to WD the null blocs by running merc wars. The hike in cost to WD’ing without plex (yet) to RMT cash into the game to cover that extra cost caused many to leave in mass. Before the change, we would WD Goons and get paid to WD another corp as a merc war which covered the cost of the WD against Goons. The next week, a WD against Test and another Merc WD to pay for it, etc. A small group cant hurt the null blocs in null, but you can annoy the crap outta them in high sec!

The fun part is while null is great for mining and manufacturing, you have to bring the products to high sec market to sell. The null blocs would have to escort freighters or send hunter/killer fleets after us making it a target rich environment for us. Add 2 more acct’s for each of us over the next 2 yrs for scouts and with a core of only 20/30 guys, we would have 40/50 scouts out. Its hard to sneak past that. The scout fleet would find lone targets, warn us if they were coming after us, etc. It kept us busy and engaged. It was kinda like being one of Robin Hoods merry men. We stole from the rich, (Null) and gave to the poor. (us :wink: ) I guess we were people who liked to poke the King with a stick and see how mad we could make him. :rofl:

We were at war with Goons for the 1st Burn Jita! That battle left us with our hands shaking! (adrenaline; the worst drug on the planet) There was a lot of smack talk in local at the bigger trade hubs. The “duel” feature seemed to have killed that so now, all locals are dead except for the Jita scammers. With some pve on the side, you could have a lot of fun for just the cost of the subscription. :sunglasses:


les free to play moar fap and play lul


There is in no way, shape, manor or form that the bitter old vets can explain what the game was like back then as much as we try. Sorry.

Off topic kinda, but WAY back when, we had a merc wd against a small Romanian corp. I was the one to find them and in my Maller preceded to tear them apart. They asked why through Google translator. I told them no hard feelings, just a merc war. They asked if I would teach them how to fight me! (No Sheet, what balls!) So through the translator, I told them what skills to train. By the end of the week, they had managed to train up enough frig/weps skills to drive me off! That war was worth far more than any subscription fee!


Pre 2012 the wardec mechanics were very friendly toward those looking for hi-sec small unit skirmishes. They allowed you to declare wars on other corporations for 5 million isk / war, and you could declare against alliances for 50 million isk / war. CCP then changed the rules and said only alliances could declare war on other alliances, but still for 50 million isk / war. The 5 million isk / corporate war pretty much disappeared at that point.

An alliance rose up under this mechanic by the name of The Privateer Alliance run by yours truly, that decided to basically made a living off of declaring war against alliances in Eve. At the end of this mechanic we had 362 wars going on our last week of these prices.

Post 2012 CCP decided to change the pricing to 50 million isk for the 1st war, then 100 million for the second, 200m for the Third and so on. Making the pricing huge trying to curtail the high sec gankage. Now I guess as I return to look around I find that basically there is no war dec as such, or are centered around structures now, which I believe is a shame. The friendships I made with the people that I fought were incredible in a game. That is what I’m going to miss the most.

BC Hastings
Last of the original Privateers
“Beat me if you can. Survive if I let you!”
“That which doesn’t kill me had better start running!”


I liked the old forums MUCH better than this mess. Impossible to efficiently find things without hours of reading.


Yeah, I also like the lay-out / format of the old forums compared to this one. However we’re stuck with this one and the scripts I linked do indeed make browsing this one more enjoyable.

I’m not sure why, but I think we all felt we had more of a purpose? Be whatever that purpose in the game might be. You could win at EVE back then just by playing.

That is the truth.

Back then winning at EVE did not mean what it means now… leaving EVE.

Oh God… remember when they made those first changes and DEC SHIELD was formed by Overmind.

Great times…

I lolled at that because I got trapped in DEC Shield as well many times with my 1 man wardec corps.

Hell yeah i miss that too

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Yeah, but then they did everything they could for the most part to make the game better for their alliances instead of the players. Let’s not forget that either.

That last part sounds fun. That first part is no longer true thanks to giant nullsec trade hubs like 1DQ or whatever in Delve and I’m sure some other regions have something similar.

Team Talos Updates. :trollface:

Sadly, I’m going to find for myself it seems. I accepted an invite to join the blue donut. An old friend asked me to join so what the hell. He said the same thing when I asked about resupply. My subs run out in Feb, maybe I’ll stick around a little longer just to give it an honest chance.

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