What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

I give CCP credit when they make good and great changes. And there have been plenty of those since I started playing in 2013, but there’s also been senseless nerfs instead of buffing other ships of the same class, there’s been killing the chat system 23 months ago… and now the red dots.

I don’t think the red dots would have made people rage quite as hard if many of us hadn’t been living with horrible lag, disconnects, and other DDOS-related symptoms for the past 3? 4? weeks now. I can’t remember remember which weekend that was that the DDOS began, it feels like 2020 has been nothing but one long DDOS so far.

The red dots are just the last straw for many. The inventory system is truly broken by this, btw, it’s not just the annoying red dot thing like the “GONG” was annoying from target (players, rats, wrecks, asteroids) dying when they introduced that a couple years ago. This is… far, far worse.


Amen to that last bit especially.


I miss decent DLC packs, the new ones are complete garbage I would not buy them at half price.

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So sad, but I feel it’s true. Without a roadmap and with mounting evidence that CCP no longer knows what to do about EVE, changes will just tend to go south.

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Old friends who have left the game. It’s not the same without them.


To be honest?


We used to PVP for moon control. Setting up a series of POS and emptying them out occasionaly was doable for a small corp. Then we hade to break apart moons and mine them.

Say what now?

Six months later my corp was dead because nobody, including myself, had any interest in such PVE activities, and we weren’t numerous enough to claim better space then a slice of lowsec.

The higher my skills, the more expensive my ships, the more PVE I had to do to keep up. And I miss not having to do that. We weren’t making boatloads of cash but enough to field a decent fleet and actually do stuff.


Simply put, I miss EVE bloody well being EVE.
I don’t know what this hollow, insultingly shallow, one-dimensional, zero-player-agency RMT-driven botters’ paradise is, but it sure as ■■■■ ain’t any EVE that I ever would have wanted to play.
CCP Seagull and all the blatant nullsec ball-polishers that call themselves “devs” --100% deliberately, I strongly suspect-- destroyed this game, fullstop/end-of.
I don’t know why people are having such a hard time saying it, but it needs to be said.
It was one Hell of a ride prior to late 2013/14, but it’s painfully clear that our time is finished.

(From what I’ve been hearing, even Chribba just doesn’t seem to give a ■■■■ anymore --Allowing that to happen with someone who is/was that deeply committed to your community, for that long is not just dumb, it’s bloody well criminally irresponsible.)

Just as an aside:

I also miss forum moderators the quality of CCP Zymurgist, who were actually involved with the forum community --not the mindless rule-quoting jobsworths we’ve had for like 7 years now.

The old forums --IE, the first iteration-- as well. For all their flaws, not-aged-gracefully-at-all look, and occasional clunkiness, they always just felt like someone who was “someone” actually give a crap and paid attention.


What I miss is when you had to fight for basically everything. It made for more active players it seems. I could go on but the point is moot.

Oh, and the dream of flying a cap ship in a 1000 man fleet. That point seems moot as well.

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…and the living will envy the dead


i miss coloured neocom icons


I read that as
I nom coloured nomnom inoms


Fun war decs of old, how there were multiple highsec corps and alliances having fun waging war and fighting, now there’s like one alliance and everything is based around removing structures to balance out CCP’s checkbook on the isk sink.

Also miss the lore stories behind every content drop or how CCP wanted to engage you in the story of eve with either a new trailer or some long open ended world mission… Now it’s just Skilling spree and you need to read eve Reddit to find out the new lore of the game…

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10-15 million care bears? :rofl:

What an amazing list of responses. Responses virtually completely ignored by CCP. I’m humbled by the fact the community has kept this thread going for so long. The thread has actually out lived my time in the game.

Ahh the echos of Eve from a yester year when I’d be busily hoping about from pos to pos. Keep the memories going you guys. I’ve given up the fight, I’ve won Eve but I still enjoy the memories.


Ditto. Last toon down.

Good luck everyone! :smiley:

Edit; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_n18P_ew8A

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I miss the days when the game was dominated by sub caps and people kept their caps for special occasions. I think capitals actually lead to a lot of the current stagnant play in eve right now.

I miss the quality that CCP use to put out 10 years ago. The passion they had. I miss fleet fights and roaming gangs and we use to undock and fight in kitchen sink fleets just for fun rather than worry about losing our precious deadspaced fitted SRPed fancy doctrine ships.

Hell i remember when i kitchen sink fleet was literally a kitchen sink fleet. You could bring anything from a probe to a raven. IIRC, some Minmatar pilots actually strapped light missile rocket motors to their kitchen sink and flew those. You have not experienced Eve until you have been pistol whipped by a Minmatar in his probe sitting on your windshield like some sort of space horsefly.


Oh man, if you think caps are bad, just wait until you hear about supercaps.


Yeah yeah… you can mine and trade (which is technically PVP)… I’ve heard all the classics already so no argumentation is needed. Whatever can be done solo is too much work, it’s painfuly boring, and I don’t want to to it anymore… whatever alernative you had in mind: no thanks.

“Stop whining, kid”
“That’s BS and you’re retarded.”
“Herf derf CODE”