What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

No they took those too. Now there’s just a little puddle called hi sec.

The original developers.


I miss not having a life, but CCP’s scarcity has changed that.

My first Stratios.


Stop playing dude, its the only way they will learn.

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Back on the old forum, it was pretty easy for players posting on multiple alts in the same thread to screw up and out themselves for their shame and the pleasure of everyone else. That’s virtually impossible on this forum.

I kind of miss that little Darwin test.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Captain’s quarters and the potential for other on station content like in the future vision trailer from 2011.


That would work I suppose, but CCP know when I’m shouting at them I care and will continue to play. It’s when I’m quiet and not shouting that CCP needs to look out for xD

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A real vision for the game. The feeling that CCP is proud of their flagship game and invests money and manpower into it.

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I was hoping forever that walking in stations would lead to fps gameplay or at the very least allow the access to it. Like linking dust through it.

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not sure what you talking about, we started in 2003 ( RUS Corp, CURSE Alliance ) by 2005 we all knew all that :wink:

They dont have best intentions, the “founding fathers” long gone, the new devs generation doesn’t relate to the game as their “baby”, my feeling that its just a cow to milk for them, no passion making a great game.
Just look at the “passion” that CCP Mirage projects in the EVE Pulse, i play EVE pulse to put my kids to sleep …


Yea there is a lot you posted I miss about the game and a lot more that was not posted that should have been reworked. I wish they could realize where they have gone wrong and fix it as it feels like someone has cut apart an animal and only the husk is surviving. I was thinking this would only build outward over the years and instead they have butchered inward and focused on a lot of things that shouldn’t have been played with and nerfed. There was a lot to say about the differences in things back in the day that made ships or items special to the games overall dynamics. For E.G. as an newbie miner in 2008 I loved that all 3 mining ships had different values to there makeup. It made each one to be useful to what you where doing or planning and to this day I still use the old stats as intended from days off old. Even though they have been nerfed and don’t hold true anymore. I seem to always look at the stats and think of what they where and wonder why didn’t we ever go back to the way they where when the ships where way better. Better is good right. Flat-line is bad right? Flat-lining the game is bad right?

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Kinda tough to know everything by 2005 while the game was still growing with new content, skills, ships and equipment being added every year up to 2010 or so.

Lack of jump drives mainly. Jump drives completely killed the professional pirate’s income. All the goodies that were going through my gate camp started just teleporting past it.

Were you even here for that? Because it was a complete disaster. People rioted. There’s a monument.

I was here before, during and after the Summer Of Rage and I can tell you there was a lot more reasons for it happening than just the Captains Quarters. Also the Captains Quarters is minor compared to all those other reasons.


I miss my first fleet fight where a doomsday weapon WAS A DOOMSDAY WEAPON…


I’ve just read this entire thread, ahh the things I’ve missed.

My loot, your tears,
Walking in stations, that looked so cool and showed some promise.
Why can’t I Web a Fleet mate?
The absolute grind of skill points.
It seems like everyone is crying about how hard or unfair eve is… what happened to HTFU?
Threadnaughts after every big update.
When you jump into your first battleship, and then realise how many supplementary skills you need to add to the list to be just okay in it.



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I miss the fear in Null sec of dying and being chased by roaming gangs. With playerbase so low that does not exist. Nullsec was a place to be feared, now it is like a cosy lowsec. I suspect most of the game now is played against NPC rather than player vs player. This is very disappointing. Triglavian, Incursions, Wormhole, Missions, Scanning. I reckon they take up a large chunk of gameplay.

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