What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

Happens to every game sadly. :cry:


Somerblink… the hypernet relay sucks

This thread when it will be gone !

It is over 4y old now :slight_smile:

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Heh being here since 2012 ish i miss the ol days seeing 2 servers been lit with 100/150k players on each server. Eve feels now like a former shell of what was…

Isogen and that pittance of Noxcium in high sec. …sigh…

p.s. (edit) Did I spell that right? Meh, who cares.


Purfekt spelin. I culdnt hav done beter.


hull fires !!


Super Carriers and Carriers that were actually fun to fly.


The Journal and all my research Agents lmao


Cloaky Camping, Whales out in null, Unlimited ship boosh, No structure nullsec, 10/10 DED hunting.

How much more sand can they remove from our box?

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Still doable if you arent lazy

How is this sand. Good. Riddance.

Something being added is not something being removed.

If these are examples of your sand, you need to purchase an Imagination Injector

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i miss the old ship construction mechanics where only minerals are needed and no Planetary nonsense is required

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I miss-

The concept of a 2009 eve emulator-that would have given us all of the features mentioned above and given ccp a boot in the backside.

If a small band can create a brillant swg emulator, why oh why could one have not been made for this game?

6 years after leaving, I have a few beers and I still come here for a browse-says everything :frowning:


All of the solo and small gangs fighting each other in our favorite fit ships in highsec.

Mar5hy why don’t you come help us gank in Highsec?

Send the message to CCP that if they want us to stop ganking in Highsec then they need to make nullsec more interesting.

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Ive lived in highsec for 14 years. We dont want you to stop ganking and the vast majority of players I know would agree. Im not surprised they think you are playing the game wrong.

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None of the new players will ever know the chill that runs up your spine the 1st time Goons comes after you. Small corps were fun.

New player here, I have to do tons of reading and web searches about the game to understand the mechanics and interactions. LOTS of searches lead to very old forum posts. Today I learned about a mechanic called an ISK “Bounty” you could put onto another player, and a way to find them called a “locator agent”. Apparently they took player bounties out of the game because they couldn’t find a way to make it work, and people somehow found a way to abuse the mechanic, so instead of trying to find a way to make it work they just scrapped it.

Says it had a “Most Wanted Criminals” list, and " Bounties were advertised on Billboards near stargates and stations" that’s really cool sounding.
IMO this would have been AMAZING content that lots of players would flock to, could encourage small scale PvP, could encourage more people to engage in PvP against one another. I can think of lots of different ways to approach it from being a member of an NPC Bounty Hunter corp that attaches specific rules to bounties such as player skill point matching, bounty missions that green light assassination, some that would just want to send a message, ect. lots of ideas run around for this. The space bounty hunter theme is such a cool one that I think could work, I would like to see it in the game again to experience it.

  1. I miss the heyday of Eve Blogs. So many interesting tales of peoples travels and adventures in Eve, as well as so much valuable information. So much more interesting daily reading than the latest outrage in Reddit.

  2. A short path between Amarr and Jita.