What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

The game was much better circa 2012-2013. End of 2013 is when it started going downhill. Carebear pandering caused the game to go from around 44k players to under 20k. Im glad they got some back but its mostly just people stopping in because all other games are carebear themeparks.

I miss:

  1. High Sec War Decs
  2. Old school can flipping rules
  3. Mining barges have less tank (its immersjon breaking for indy ships to be that naturallly tanky)
  4. Mining barges not having ore bays
  5. Ship fittings being deeper than slap on AAR

Keep digging. You will find that this game used to be 10x better before these weak soy boy devs started pandering to the whiners.

I miss ISK bounties too. No reason to ever take them out.


After all, these were only “temporarily” turned off. However, after all this time, I suspect that the meaning of the word is not entirely known at CCP :slight_smile:


I miss heading out to lowsec in a rifter with no skillpoints and a few buddies in frigates and actually finding good fights. Best time I ever had in Eve.


Yup, that’s gone.

The Keepstar was not the end of HS tax evading.

As opposed to CCP wiping out all kills prior to 2014 due to my awesomeness.

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@Lennox_Dantes 100% brother,. Eve used to have more features that mattered and used to be a much better game. Its still cool but its just a shell of its former glory. Pandering to nullsec, anti-pvp mechanics and carebears have been the cancer eating away until we have nothing left but a feeble remnant of what used to be. Its been nothing but bad judgements all the way to 2017 marking the death of the butterfly effect and the implementation of a socialist tax utopia.
I think Destiny said it best when he spoke in metaphor, CCP are the farmers who put up a brick wall to keep out all enemies of the sheep. They can now farm those fkn sheep for all the dollars they have in absolute safety from all perceived threat to the farm.


This is so well said. I wish i wrote it.

Spot on.

Too bad the devs are cucks and wont bring the game they killed back from its zombification.

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You can still find them… but there are fewer. Uprising did seem to bring a lot of that back.

Unfortunately you still have many leet pvpers who run snakes and blob with interceptors and long range meta whatever.

This game gives so many fond memories of when it was hard and you had to be at the keyboard.

I miss trying to figure out who my enemies (null blks) scouts were! :smirk:

Lot of respect for those players then.

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what i miss most is the original base colors for amar ships now they look like they was painter and drawn by a toddler

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The Revelations title theme, which is the only epic title theme EVE ever had. Why are MMOs so bad at soundtracks?

(The EVE soundtrack is not bad, but CCP did a poor job at picking a recognizable signature melody and promoting it. The login theme from Revelations had potential)

I have a new post that if it gets attention might bring eve to those days

I miss the polish. It used to feel like a polished game.

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Galaxy map > My Locations filter

A functioning bug reporting system with feedback


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

The server needs a restart. Before you roll your eyes hear me out.

  1. Claim goonswarm the winners of Eve online season 1 (20 year seasons I guess)

  2. Reset the server and every existing character to zero. liquidate all characters assets to isk and start them over with zero sp.

  3. Goon toons get a special badge or something for being the winners, and maybe give them all a new special addition ship… all other mega alliances can have a runner up badge and a new less special addition ship.

  4. Very important, all corp history has to be removed.

Sure there will be lots of crying and yada yada but there is no greater step that can be taken to remove stagnation, reinvigorate the game and probably bring thousands of players back. Maybe the exact same alliances will just redo the same borders we have now, but maybe they won’t. The scramble would be very interesting to see.

Variation on theme … not re-start, New Start. On separate server. Test server doesn’t seem to be in use currently (something I’m missing out on) so, use that.

Outcomes will be pretty much the same. With pros & cons as hashed out on “new Golden Age” thread. Leave existing game as “Experienced” server. Assets and alphas stay. My assumption is there will be little reduction in numbers of people who want to keep playing with big toys or want to trial EvE.

As “courtesy”, any paid-up player on Experienced gets complementary toon on Fresh Start. ONE. No alts. No multiple accounts. Anyone who wants those has to pay. And stay paid. No reverting to alpha. That is for Experienced server-only.

Fresh Start, via complentary toon or brand new, means no transfer of characters, SP, ISK or assets. Target is let vets and alphas be but give 1 in 20 year opportunity for everyone else.

Rather than “splitting servers” or “diluting playerbase”, target is 10’s of thousands(?) of past players who no longer play. Or, potential noobs who would like “fantasy” of having same starting point. At least for few weeks/ months. Yes, this can only be a once-off “re-set”, but advertise it for solid 4-6 months in advance and see how many "pre-register?

Some will obviously pay to win via starter packs. Some old corps will reform instantly. True. But only once skills trained of course. No-one will be able to use PLEX for SP immediately … not until SP farms get going etc. There will be no T2 anything. Not until BPO’s are bought, researched etc. And of course DC’s farmed. Plus, NO player structures. Yes, these can be ported over, plus contents. Just, no-one will be able to access or use. Or kill them … unless a few k’s T1 destroyers (which will not be in any single corps or alliance) could do it? And how many weeks would it take to skill, or get resources and parts, to build new structures??

Sigh. The possibility of being back in EvE on day zero. If only !

A wise woman is Destiny.