What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

Probably not a popular opinion, but in the almost 10 years I have played I think the game has got better and better, but I do miss the old Gallente NPC station sounds and some of the old module effect audio. Like hardeners.

eg. EVE Online - Sound Effects - Gallente Pleasure Hub 1

I also miss the o7 show and crossing zebras podcast.

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Eve was definitely more immersive back then…

I miss Yulai as a trading system


50/60k players online.

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  • Pre-Photon UI. Form over function = fail. The thing that replaced the Journal is especially trash.

  • Incursions in places other than a handful of systems at the ass-end of nowhere.

  • Actually, pretty much everything before 2012.

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The old stargate jump animation or lack thereof. I loved that brief silence while the ship made the final 500-1000 meters to the gate and then you saw the gate light up and there was a activation sound and the gate fired and the ship jumped. and the next system loaded. it didnt change your perspective and make it look like you are warping like it does now.

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Dust 514 and the integration they were adding to the live servers.
Captains Quarters and the Promise of WIS.
Actual Players.
The account management page actually working and not half of it is broken…
those crate adverts people would put out everywhere in space.

I miss the days when CCP fought against RMT instead of participating in it.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I miss how the flaming of people who voice complaints was not moderated and I miss how fast the complaints got deleted. flagged, or locked. This obviously doesn’t happen anymore…
I miss how multiboxers and SP farming accounts used to get rewards for logging in and getting free stuff in the New Eden store to be counted as “active players”. I dont miss how pvp used to be everywhere in highsec and how people used to fly 1 ship each. I certainly dont miss that each player could matter. Eve is much better now and I certainly no not miss all the people who quit playing.


Managers that genuinely cared about the game and the players and ´the people that work on it


Captain’s Quarters


I mean i dont really care how many times Hilmar has apologized over the years and said CCP will do better. It doesent happen. Step down. But he and i both know he couldnt get a job anywhere else. That is probably also why ppl higher up keep him around. They pity him. Well you should pity the hundreds of thousands of players among others that came to love this game and more importantly pay the bills and so on? have seen it degrade and become what it is over the years.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA! Get a job lol.

He could give you $50,000.00 a year for the rest of your life and still buy a new superyacht every five years.

Try again.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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He could give you $50,000.00 a year for the rest of your life and still buy a new superyacht every five years.

He should step down then, hes made his millions

Or hes afraid someone can do it better than him? He is sticking this out until CCP is bankrupt and EVE no longer played by anyone, am i right?

Or someone goes to Reykjavik and kicks his ass (I dont condone violence unless neccesary just trying to make a point)

Oh, shut up internet tough guy.

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I actually miss reading Githy’s threads…


I miss when you could see flagged posts with a click. Or see what it was by quoting it. Or checking out removed posts on Chribba’s forum cache.

There was no hiding stupidity back in those days.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


You are the one acting tough

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