What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

A breakable monument in Jita

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And Singularity

The chill that ran down my spine the 1st time someone in our corp said “Goons are coming”.

It ended badly for them, but we did not think for a moment we could withstand those numbers at the time.

I miss EVE being a nitch game I guess…

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I miss asteroid belts in nill-sec with rats around them and newer players ratting them to make isk. It seems so empty in nillsec without people rating in the asteroid belts then salvaging the loot to make stuff with.

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PI is still a thing though?

Caps in

Osmon stll have that, you finish one and a new ice field pop up

The game.

Talented people who were in charge of development. Its just a racket at this point


You remember when they said they would never sell skill points?
You remember when they took down the Gambling sites due to EU regulations, only to implement their own in game version?

Just getting back to eve, Some of the nostalgia in this thread is so heart warming.

Personally loved the small nano gangs, playing with some super skilled gamers that I ended up playing with for many years.

I was apart of a well established null alliance, who got invaded by some guys. Those guys impressed me so much with there skills that I begged them to let me join, and eventually they did. Much love to Doom. Viper Squad and what ever version of Triumvirate that was back then.


Just restarted after 11 years. So far the only two things I miss are Niarja (being able to fly from Caldari to Amarr space without having to go through Gallente and Minmatar space is nice) and my old corpmates. I’m sure new great corpmates will come along once I get back into a corp, though.

I also miss the old ships. Gutted that they changed the Absolution - have always disliked the Harbinger shape. :frowning: My Apocalypse also looks chubbier, like it crossbred with an Abaddon. The Maller’s elephant face is also gone, and my loyal Badger II got renamed into something I can’t even remember, although the new cargo capacity is really nice.

Somehow the ugly ones never change at all… if they had changed the Harbinger hull I could have used such a nifty ship. :slight_smile:


But harbinger is a nice looking hull :slight_smile:

I always felt it looked like a crucifix with a Stormtrooper helmet. I loved the space turkey and hated how the crucifix beat it in every department. At least now they have different styles.

holy ■■■■, how could they abandon that for the generic crap we have today? what the heck…

thank you so much for the link!


I’ve never heard many of these tracks with a subwoofer till now :smiley:

@Malmar_Padecain thanks for the jukebox recreation, is there any available archive of the tracks themselves? Are they all sourced from soundcloud? Would suck to lose it through misfortune

I miss my friends that quit the game.


I miss the absence of podkilling npc…

I miss walking in stations.

I understand the reason why it was removed. But I still get nostalgic and wish it were back sometimes


I will miss out on the last few daily login rewards for the Halloween Blood Bath

Nothing good I hope? @Uriel_the_Flame I didn’t log in for a few days it seems =(


Just some boosters (personally I have no use for them but only you can know in your case) although not sure about the Omega rewards as I don’t pay attention to those so best if you check it out.

You can use the tiny triangles / arrows on the left middle side of the window to see what the other rewards along the line are. (see below)
