What do you think Eve will look/be like in the year 2033? - Win a Gila

Can’t you guys do something like a -snip- instead?

I did consider this but there were A LOT of posts with references, plus the thread required a clean up to remove off-topic posts too.

You mean desperate grasping of all the demagogy straws you could, while failing at every step?

That’s exactly right, and how much money do WE the players pay to CCP and the CONCORD and the empires and the taxes and the fees and they can’t create a little more security? Come on, enough is enough, it’s time to start taking high security seriously, not only should all of Highsec be 1.0 security, but key strategic systems should be 1.1 or even 1.2 security, and I for one think it’s time that the players start demanding more security. If we can’t be safe, then what about the NPCs and the common non-capsuleer population, how much danger and misery must the galaxy endure?

Let’s see, 2033.

All the weird fps/flight sim unified experience they’ve been considering moving towards is big big integrated.
Launching player controlled boarding ships out of your carriers with boarding parties full of players,
Different interfaces, equipment, gameplay modes all together, so 2k people vs 2k is a beautiful mess to be spectated and enjoyed from a all manner of place and time, gameday fever and post event editing making for… lots of content.

The part where EVE is kind of an actual political stage, or at least a simulated one, is acknowledged and supported. Vile Rat’s School for FriendShip and Future Diplomacy. The project discovery type engagement avenues are way more ambitious, perhaps with some governance support, and |EVE players are helping with all of the world’s biggest problems, but sometimes through a layer of obfuscation where it’s a game and they’re playing and winning. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

On that note, maybe some girls into STEM business later and half of the playerbase is women? Kidding not kidding.
Walking in stations is so turbo real it’s silly that we ever memed it, and we’ve got 72 flavors of god complex catering hedonistic Pleasure Hubs running in A/VR

Fashion shows with sponsored designers who’ve never fired a turret

AI coming from the game into real life. I mean, we already said they CAN be people last year? ;D

EVE players are pissed. They complain everyday. CCP is forever past deadline.
Game is dying. Can’t they do a single thing right? The Citadel they built ended up just being an Astrahaus, and we’re not even allowed to walk around the station? It’s just between this designated free room and this dining area and this dock. We thought it’d be different. :C

To make it even worse, the frigates they gave us for the 30 year ■■■■■■■ suck. When I take this Atron down into atmosphere, it gets really hot! 95 F is ■■■■■■■ ridiculous, how can they expect us to be grateful for this poorly tested half working trash? Ugh.

Alrite couldn’t resist to make a new EVE meme just for this. :stuck_out_tongue:


It will be dead, buried and forgotten and I won’t be there for its burial.

Just a heads up: In order to win the Gila, you need to post your replys in the comments of the video that is linked in the thread!

I don’t want/need a Gila, but thanks just the same.


:smiley: Same, just here for the fun. :slight_smile:


This is actually a very possible scenario.

By 2033, there are no EVE because silicon-eating microbe which destroys microprocessors devastates the world modern computer technology and supply chains, people are back to use vacuum tube computers to play wire flamed games and use morse codes instead of smartphones.


Can I have my Gila now?

2033 ? Eve will be merged with Second Life and 500 star systems will have to learn the ways of Gor.

Forget the contest, I’ll buy you a Gila if you can find out who keeps flagging my reply…

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I wish I knew, I have a similar fan elsewhere too.

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You can win some ISK if you post a fireworks screenshot in my related event thread and get one of the top places… might even be enough to buy and fit a Gila if rank high enough. :slight_smile:

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That really sounds like effort

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