What do you think the name of the next expansion will be?


Maybe the expansion even could be called “Corporate Greatness” or something.


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Running in Stations?


ok ok… I think I got the correct whiteboard now… looking through my binoculars, I see a bunch of chaos and scribbles. Here is the legible part as written;

  1. Celestial Body Resident - definitely not Star Citizen duh!
  2. Gas Giant Odyssey - no relation to Star Trek here
    (Third line hard to read) Cat (something) feed tuna (something) shopping on Tuesday?
    D. No Way Dude’s Heaven - ? Will Hello Games make the connection, they can’t be smarter than us.

Screw it people! I am out of ideas for this one. Let’s use Chat GPT to make stuff up again like before. - Hilmar

Maybe I need new binoculars?

“CCP need All your £€$”




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