What do you think would bring eve into a new golden age

That is just as likely as SONY undoing what they did to SWG.

And yet:

There are numerous emulators/private servers going of SW: G.
We may also be looking at an emulation of Wildstar* Soon™.
NeoCron and old-school EverQuest are still going.

Hell, even Blizzard finally admitted their community matters and dropped “officially-official” WoW Classic after years of private servers doing the same thing.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and I daresay that there’s a non-zero possibility that one day we won’t have to put up with CCP’s ■■■■■■■■ and their pathetic craven fellatio of nullsec RMT barons if we don’t want to.

  • Regarding Wildstar:

I Was There™ from beta and pre-ordered, and I Was There™ right at the end.
It still for-real pisses me right the ■■■■ off what was allowed to happen to that game.
That’s what you get when you let yourself be dependent on these ■■■■■■■ corrupt pustule-of-toxicity dev studios.

Had enough, yet?

The Prophet says to bring back player agency and choice.

Teach them to live by the skin of their teeth again. The weak shall fall like chaff from grain and the strong will remain to plant solid roots.

Revert to the old ways of war. Reduce these imposed safeguards.

Let the old ways return. The Prophet has often said that the old ways are the best. We must return to the practices of our fathers.


I never cease to be amazed at the number of people pontificating on how easy or risky ganking is…who have never actually done any ganking.

A good T2 Catalyst actually costs around 13m ISK. That means a fleet of 4 Catalysts costs around 52m ISK. There is both risk of failure and practically no profit on ganking a Procurer, for example. Any small profit that there is has to be divided between the gankers and does not pay for the Catalyst. Even with larger barges there is precious little profit. For example, divide the 160m ISK price of a Mackinaw between 8 gankers and you get 20m ISK each. But that is not 20m worth of dropped stuff. Most of that Mackinaw price went up in flames. So even with a 160m ISK Mackinaw there may be zero actual ‘profit’ at all.

Even with a recent 500m ISK Covetor gank I was involved in…only 230m ISK was dropped. That is only 140m ISK more than the 7 Catalysts cost. So just 20m ISK profit per ganker for a 500m ISK ship ! Yeah…that is the reality of ganking.

Not only that, but gankers quickly lose security status…by as much as 0.5 for every 3 ganks. That means gankers either have to devote a lot of additional time to PvE that raises security status, or buy tags, or go around as status -10 forever unable to dock and with the faction police on their tail. Clone tags are expensive if bought and practically outweigh much of any profit from ganking.

And on top of all that…have you ever flown about with a dozen kill rights on you ? I’d imagine most members of Safety probably have way more kill rights on them than even that.

Incidentally. on the flip side…the cost/profit margin for ganking is also how I’m regularly able to transport hundreds of millions of ISK worth of implants from Jita. I know that if I transport the implants in quantities of less than a certain amount at a time, it is simply not worthwhile ganking me. Yet over time I transport huge amounts. A lesson many haulers refuse to learn.

Yes, but making them change their playstyle is griefing.

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Yah, it’s griefing to force someone to play your way. I want to play AFK and make billions for free gametime and not have any stress or challenge whatsoever.


I would love to see new types of ore in hi-sec space.

I would REALLY love to see more types of products that can be manufactured and sold.

I want ore that glows.

Yes but some of us know why governor Lee gets you to gank and its not for isk

Miners in high sec should kill the bot npc miners, massive fleets in a system next to jita cleaning out the belts the other day.

So do ccp use npc miners to control how much ore is in system and then clear out ones around jita to move people further out.

Btw if you kill them they do drop ore and their hauler drops skins and ore.


Crypto, nft blockchain integration would make EVE a paying job .
Final answer.
Dont hate the player.
Dont shoot the messager
Dont at me.
Dont taze me bro.
Dry land is not a myth

Maybe they should add Tiberium asteroids to the game then.

Also why not an extremely valuable blinking yellow asteroid and ore that turns everyone into a suspect who mines or hauls it? :innocent:

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Adding high-end ore to high-sec, but making players who extract it go suspect, is an old idea.

Can you imagine the tears and entitlement whining on the forums if they do, though?


Yes that is one of the reasons suggesting it. :smirk: :wink:

Btw one would need yellow safeties set in order to can mine or move the ore so there is no valid complaint against it. But it would be fun to read them nevertheless or especially because of that. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

As you wish princess, nuke on it’s way.

Get the basics done right - griefing gone - players trusting each other again - Community again - make things simple to do - less clicks more ching (aint that why gankers exist - less clicks more ching) and so on - someone forgot - without fun in a game it a job - not entertainment…

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Aww, poor baby, somebody grief you?



I am back in the game after almost ten years of absence, and some things strike me :

Despite everything that has been added to EvE online (some of them really good, interesting, engaging it seems), today’s main problem remain the same : difficulties for new players to engage with the game, understand the game and so on, and therefore low retention.

What’s worse, there has been a removal of the “punishing death” (loss of skill points and so on when dying). Now death does not cost much. I suspect this has been implemented for a less punishing game, therefore more enticing for relatively new players. Though it seems it does not help in this regard and, even worse, it also decreases the tension and engagement that players can have with the game.

Lastly, I think the “Lore” and the “Writing” are not as good today as they were. I exactly remember what drew me to EVE the first time. These incredible trailers making you feel like in this game, stakes are real, you will work hard and then you will matter.

But all the problems that EVE faces are really a shame since I think it has everything to be the best game in the world. I think 100k players on tranquility everyday at peak hours would not be unreasonnable. If you think about it, it’s actually a ridiculously low market share.

Now I guess a lot of people have good “technical” ideas to bring EVE to a golden age. Rebalance this, add that and so on. Myself, I would not be skilled enough to propose such things, but I would propose something broader :

  • To bring onboard one of the best lead game designers in the world, preferably someone who has never played eve online (thinking about Josh Sawyer for example but I guess there are others), have him play EVE everyday for a week. Then make him draft recommendations on how to enhance experience for new players, and implement it.

  • Bring on board a lead writer with a team to tackle EVE online lore and bring it world-class level like Star Wars or anything alike. I remember back in the days when I heard “it’s the only game with a real economist to manage its economy”, well a real writer or journalist could manage your lore.

  • Keep on adding new content, leveraging player feedback (all players, not only hardcores).


Well, you also had the cost of clones costing more than your ship.