What do you think would bring eve into a new golden age

And that’s perfectly fine. These camps would be armed with the same T1 starter ships as everyone else. Sure, some peeps would pay to win, via starter packs etc, but no-one would be that OP. Not for 2 days. 2 weeks. Or what have you, timeline wise.

Plus, really? 2k+ peeps in an existing hierarchy, of privelege, wealth, assets and “dick swinging” and “no-one” out of all that lot is going to break ranks, given they would ALL have a Fresh Start? Nah. The opportunity to be “your own troll” would be too great methinks.

That would just purge player accounts.
In a game, dystopia still needs to be fun.

CCP certainly doesn’t need to go around specifically giving players a reason to NOT log in…

Player run purge events are fine.
Official events of this type - not so much.

–Gadget remembers Hulkagedon


A good deal of the talk about purges and resets is little more than envy politics from those with least to lose and who want to ‘catch up’ the lazy way by dragging others down.


Which is largely what a Fresh Start server would achieve. Existing players, with lots to lose, would remain on the Experienced server. Alpha accounts and/ or all other F2P varities would also be on this server to keep it vibrant/ relevant. All others who don’t want to play this status quo - and the suspicion is, already just don’t play in "large numbers)- could have a 1 in 20 year opportunity to experience playing a mature coded-game as a blank slate.

No-one would be dragged down because no-one is catching up. Diff servers for diff folks. Just lots more of them in total. Maybe. :slight_smile:


Nah…why would CCP endure all the expense of a new server, and divide members into two distinct groups, just for a few lazy malcontents who can’t cope with the grind ?


New server? Are they using the test-one currently? What was dusty-eve, or whatever it was called, played on? What happened to that hardware. After 20 years, CCP must have lots of “bits” lying around = little outlay.

As to compensating income, all players on New Server would have to be omega, either as-new or via existing accounts on current server, which would earn them ONE complementary toon = all (new) cash flow. No F2P on new server.

Could happen. But, suspicion is that the gain in total members would be much greater than simply “a few”. Look at all the whinging/ leaving/ malcontent posts on the forums. What might that represent in terms of a potential player base, if only they could be tempted back?

True, a New Start server would still have non-consensual pvp, camps, griefs, what have you. That’s just the game. So not 100% return. And it would only BE grind, as no SP available to harvest and buy via injectors. Yet. No blueprints bought and already researched so no T2 mods. Yet. No blingy mods looted from shot down NPC either. Plus, no-one would be able to fly the ships capable of downing such NPC. Yet. Sure, it could cause a split … but how “many” total would sign up to play Eve (again) under such conditions??

If the current server/ game is so good, the New Server would be no threat to you. And if it’s not, compared to a New Server? Who cares. Euither scenario would likely be win-win re total players, plus revenue.

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That’s a lot of words. Just go play on the Chinese server, it’s your much newer paradise you are looking for.


That’s Serenity? Since 2006? Not exactly “new”. Altho, Google could well be telling me fibs here.

And removing one of the bigest selling points of EvE.

ONE universe for everyone to play.
Players have to opportunity to find their niche in New Eden - not find a different universe.

Diluting the player base is never a good idea.

–Besides, Gadget really doesn’t want to lose customers


Are you new to multiplayer gaming? You seem to be unfamiliar with the concept of smurf/twink accounts.

I assure you 100% that your “fresh start” server would instantly be full of veteran pirates getting moist at the biggest opportunity to troll they’ve ever been given, and the illusion you have that the grindbears running away to EVE 2.0 to escape the harsh reality of the original would be somehow able to compete just because everyone would be flying the same low-tier garbage ships during the first few days, would quickly dissipate.


Nowhere have you stated why this is needed. And the notion that this is going to attract new players or persuade any existing players to stay is just pure speculation.

Couldn’t agree more. One could start Eve 2.0 with a totally level playing field and within a week there would be major wealth differences and sizeable corporations controlling large areas of space. You’d have to ‘reset’ this entire system every few months to maintain the phoney artificial ‘balance’…and that would ironically cheese off all the malcontents who’d left Eve 1.0 and were now artificially ahead of all the brand new noobs there. The hypocrites would not want their newly acquired advantage to be ‘reset’…lol.

People have this weird idea that if only everyone would start fresh again it would be an equal playing field. The mistake they make is that they expect equality of outcome but, as always, it’s “only” equality of opportunity and the people who are ahead right now either financially, pvp wise or group/organisational wise, will be ahead again. Like pretty much instantly.

Also the whole notion of “people are head of me and I don’t like that. Everyone should reset back so I won’t be behind” is hilariously egocentric.


I guarantee you that server would be BANGIN for at least 6 months. It would be veeeery fun for a while.

I do think the marketing would appeal to many older players who have left the game.

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And they would be doing it in omens and comets.


EVE is not a proper PVP game, since every proper PVP game requires the quick and ready availability of resources. You fight, you die, you respawn - either with what you had previously, or with the same opportunity to pick up what you had previously - you fight, you die, you respawn… This is true not only for FPS games, but for any game that has as its main point to lock people into constant battle with each other. For that matter, it is true for chess. The only “grind” involved for setting up the next chess game is to put the pieces in their positions again.

EVE is more akin to a 4X / RTS / strategy game. In principle the point is to “conquer the map” by stringing economy, politics and aggressive expansion together, and costly PVP in spite of finite resources then makes sense as an investment, as a means to achieve objectives. Here all this happens in a multiplayer setting, so that not everybody will or can do this alone. Anyway, this is how you get current “nullsec” and their “overlords”. The problem is that once the map has been conquered in a 4X / RTS / strategy game, or things have become too static to remain interesting, you need to reset it all, so that people can have a fresh game (and yes, the same people can win if they are good, so what?).

But CCP is not doing that, hoping that it resets itself with time. Sure, it will, that’s basically the geopolitics we see all around us in the real world. Unfortunately, the time scales of that change are too long if you are just there for playing a game, rather than for living a life, having kids, etc. So, we get a stalemated game out of which CCP desperately tries to shake some action.

So, have EVE hard reset every year, or maybe every two years. Call it a campaign, or age, or something like that. Who wins the first age? Who wins the second? Etc. Adapt skill / production progression accordingly, so that the endgame after two years could be fought with a completed skill tree and Titans, by the most dedicated players. Make starting conditions for every age somewhat different, so people stay on their toes. Done. That would be appropriate and exciting for the kind of game EVE actually is. And then we do it all over again. Eve has a lot of replayability, if CCP could just finally let it replay.

P.S.: It should be noted that from this perspective it is not surprise that all null powers ever do is to re-create high sec for their people within their null boundaries. Of course, if your aim is to “conquer the map” then the last thing you need is disturbance in your occupied territorities. That’s where you are spooling up the economy to drive further expansion, having PVP engagements in there just reduces efficiency. The calls to remove high sec are hence ironic, given that the game basically is about turning the universe into high sec, just your high sec rather than theirs…

So many points in your thread it would take away my mining free time so let’s just mention that you can stock pile your ships for pvp or pve and place them all over New Eden. If you are a ganker you would know how many ships you will be losing today so just keep stuffing a pillow with fitted ships until you’re ready to have a sleepover pillow fight in a system of your choosing!

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And that would still be the case - maybe. The trick would be to balance either/ or against both/ and.

As @Io_Koval pointed out, there is already a separate Chine universe. In fact, two of them? So that duplicated model of more than one playerbase already works?

The counterpoint is that the “single universe” model is NOT selling. Or, more correctly, not “holding” as many players as it could? Might a Fresh Start increase rather than dilute the “total” playerbase?

Yup. That would be one of the bigger selling factors. A reason for experienced folks to give up existing assets, and/ or come back to game.

Nope. That is not at ALL the point. This is Eve after all. Sandbox. PvP. Always was. Always will be. Nothing changes. Except the starting point = ground zero for everyone on launch.

What is “needed”, according to these forums, are ways to increase and retain players. That this is a speculative idea in order to achieve to do that is correct.

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