And fanfest and eve vegas has what to do with programming?
You’ve never managed a team of programmers, have you? Prove you have and I’ll shut up.
And fanfest and eve vegas has what to do with programming?
You’ve never managed a team of programmers, have you? Prove you have and I’ll shut up.
yes hehe
The one thing I’ll say to this:
Just because someone has managed programmers, doesn’t mean that they were any good at it.
Then you would know that letting your customers see the interworkings of your code, scheduled maintenance, stage to prod migrations, etc. would lead to absolute disaster.
that wasn’t the deal you cant go changing the terms after the fact
you said i just had to say yes and you would shut up
that was the deal
no proof required
SC does bugsmashers and they talk extensively about how they work and on what. Maybe not to the extend that they show all the code, but to the extend that informs and is policing the audience so it doesnt go out with pitchforks and conspiracy theories.
Isn’t it the unofficial name for Tranquility?
So no answer then? Gotcha. Obvious troll is obvious
no sweetheart im not the one editing my posts after people reply
nor am i the one making absurd suggestions about what devs should be allowed to do
ive never managed programmers i just said yes
because you said you would shut up if i said yes
so you can put away your damage control
it aint gonna help
Again, obvious troll is obvious. Try harder.
are all your posts this dumb lmao
down to 2/10 in trolling, JC. Put some effort into it
so its true
all your posts are dumb
I use downtime to make coffee and get the paper.
Downtime in Eve is CCP’s alarm so that players can go do real life stuff, like get some sleep.
I’m disappointed,
I don’t think anyone mentioned POS code - I read every single post so I could see that and smile…
Reasons for downtime
Oh and I am going to get in trouble for this one, CCP overlords have mercy on me:
I will say, they have done a good job of reducing the daily downtime duration
One thing to note, many big companies run their stuff off of mainframes which have zero downtime because they are structured so that you can offline any part of the whole thing for maintenance without any hiccups, these are insanely more expensive than standard servers that CCP has, and for those who do use normal servers, they have many redundant sets to reallocate work to.
CCP can’t “reallocate” the load to another unit without crashing all connection to it.
Sonya, shut up. Just… shut up already.
CCP are fiercely proud of their flagship product and have demonstrated in this very thread that they’re perfectly happy to do show and tell for the technically inclined among us. Us asking them stuff and them answering us does not in any way detract from the daily backend operations of EVE. I bet if enough of us asked, the o7 show would throw together a segment featuring a dev panel explaining the ins and outs of downtime and what kinds of conditions might precipitate emergency restarts.
That would be kind of cool actually. I would even get up to see that
Same here, that’s when I make a run through low sec.