I’m tangled up in other things so I can’t give a long answer.
There’s a useful thread here: Coercer, is it a good solo PVP destroyer - #2 by Terak_Romaller from a similar question asked a while back.
If you are fitting one for mission running then a beam laser fit armour fit will cover level 1 very easily, and at higher skills flown with care level 2 reasonably well.
Something like:
Beams in the high slots. Dual Beams are good - better application on smaller ships.
Afterburner in the mids (an MWD will take capacitor off you) - either add in a cap recharger or a webifier in the other slot. Coercers are cap hungry.
Low: Damage Control. Armour Repairer and heat sink. You can put a resistance module in there if you want, but a heat sink reduced damage taken by helping make it go away faster!
Rigs: something to help tracking won’t hurt. Then damage or armour rigs depending on preference.
Pack the usual triumvirate: Radio S, Standard S and Multifrequency S for the guns.
Reach out for me in game if you wish - if you’re looking at a Coercer then you’re either Amarrian or at least have good taste!