What happened to null?

Like it makes a difference lol

How it goes there.

Even goons started with noble intentions. To shut down the evil BoB. The original bob…not the taken over name after they found a unique way to end the war. Back when caod was caod…some goon would even fire up the Bob holding char to say hi to Sir molle and friends.

They became the new Bob. Now papi is here to make things “right”. and…will eventually be the new new new new bob.

you hate traitors? wow…

But 1) you seem to put it on the personal plan again. You don’t have to hate scammers, traitors, etc. These things are allowed by the game mechansims. You should calm down and take it as it is : pvp game with pixels.
2 )if you “hate traitors”, i am not sure that you chose the right side. i was in an Init super cap fleet when we were cooperating wiith Test, and when we learnt that TEST was actually about to drop on US, whereas we were allies…i have no problem with that, because this kind of events gives somes very particular taste to eve. But you …
To be 100% honest, i think that there are as many “traitors” in all alliances. So you can spin and chest beat saying “we are the good guys,”, “goons are bad” but it is actually probably wrong. You are the same guys as Imperium guys are.
So stop this ■■■■■■■■, come and fight us. That’s why we play this game. No need for a reason to do that.


After the war, PAPI will disband and TEST will be the next to be purged. Null should not be peacefull.


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Omg who cares

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OP does. He asked a question, we answered. I don’t understand what you mean


So then its done, the three people who actually live in Null have spoken.

We are unworthy.



Like I care.

And the memes with the Joker are getting tiresome. I don’t give a fuk that some people want to watch the world burn. Either they burn it or shut up about it.

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Except if you’re already in flame. Human tendencies is that they don’t care about something until it happens to them.

I assume you mean figuratively.

Can you elaborate on that?

It’s beyond my pay grade.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I want to be cool and you ruin it.:triumph:

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Who? The Inferiorium??



if… key word.

null was always empty, according to /dev .

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Oh God. That lag. I feel sick.

Brisc and TM have suicided themselves and have recommended the same “medicine” to their members.
Games over, probably won’t even have to wait two years.
I like Brisc and respect TMs scholastic education. I will mourn them.

sorry, i don’t clearly understand what you try to say. What are you talking about?
PAPI declared war to the Imperium, both sides are happy to shoot at each other, fights and fun are there… and i don’t think that Brisc suicided himself. Brisc, like other Init guys, seems to have many fun, and his regular Metashows put our Morale high…
Not sure of what you meant

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I’m literally crying here. Sob.

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