What is current state of highsec ganking?

I don’t think you will find three different players playing my character, just little old me. Nice try at deflection by the way…

@Iceacid_Frostpacker hisec ganking in terms of freighter ganking became a mechanical farming exercise for excessive multi-boxers based on fail game mechanics in the main. With the RL price increase and increase in plex it seems to be sucking the life force from their mechanical farming activities, what’s not to like?

PS. It appears that it is now Aiko and not Aiko(s) based on recent TZ activity, at least a certain person is being careful now…

PS2. Your little defensive rant below, CCP does not actually monitor account sharing in my experience, I have come across this many times, like watching certain Burn Eden players in Stain who were cloaking camping me switch the control to someone else at certain times was interesting to see. We also had someone they wanted to recruit chatting to them and they confirmed that they were doing that to him.

I did not report them, it is rather like botting and input broadcasting, IMO CCP has to look after their EULA. I am not here to police their income generation and if they are not doing it then it is their issue as far as I am concerned. So your attempt to cry about this is duly noted and laughed at. But you should be comforted by the simple fact that CCP does not even read these forums so you are quite safe.

As for reporting me, this is a discussion on the forums, which means you can only report me on the forums. Several people have noticed your different behaviour in game and commented on it, notwithstanding your activity tracker previously on ZKill which is highly suspicious. Of course on the forums I am likely to get a boot up the ass by tame ISD, I expect that, but where is the scam from my side? I am commenting on observed behaviour in game. In terms of harassment, I don’t harass you in any way shape or form, I am merely repeating the observation of others.

I am of course happy that you appear to have stopped based on your most recent activity, wise choice Aiko.

Quoted just in case:

In experience when people have tried gaming the ingame reporting system it does not go well for them. I had one cloaky camper report me for swearing at one of my mates in local after systematically reporting anyone for reacting to him, it was obviously his gaming of the system, so he got into trouble as he disappeared for two weeks in game, CCP do not take kindly to false in game accusations of harassment, so tread carefully Aiko(s).

Dracvlad, if you feel I am violating the EULA, you can report it to CCP via a support ticket. Otherwise, what you are doing is a form of harassment, which is a violation of the EULA, as you are engaged in rumor mongering (a violation of the forum TOS) and you are also involved in dishonest actions (ie: a scam) which involves an exploit (fake or existing).

It is a violation of the EULA to repeatedly accuse me of violating the EULA, without any supporting evidence. If you feel you have a valid complaint, you should be reporting this to CCP, rather than rumor mongering in the forums.

I will report you if you persist.

I dont get the reference, sorry

Drac and I arent friends but even I think thats below the belt.

Drac is not as bad as that… Person

This is rather creepy to find out that you are now actually moniting our time zone activity?

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This is a weird statement to make. Why wouldn’t people in an intel based game analyse the activity of others. Why would Zkill detail this on their web page, are you going to accuse Zkill of being creepy because they have a graph showing this, this is Destiny level posting you are showing?

That comment at the end of your last Dracvlad, why do we keep going in circles with this?

The current state of highsec ganking should be our focus here and not comparing ice with stardust.

It was Destiny like, that is all, does not mean I am suggesting you are Destiny at this time, just that you posted something in the same way, I just say Destiny being Destiny and ignore the post when Destiny does that.

It is perfectly fine if freighter gankers are currently dropping out due to RL and plex costs, this means that people will become complacent and move big loads again and then people will group up and start knocking off freighters again. Nothing to worry about at all, in fact this is really good for Eve in my opinion.

Good, so if the current state is due to RL commitments then that still makes a healthy New Eden highsec ganking future correct?

Hope it is just that and not due to the focus shift towards the new points within the AIR Career system. To say the least, that at least has me thinking it will become the new carrot on the stick.

You really do have a big crush on her, you can’t stop talking about and trying to control her.


Just the usual elementary school stuff, pulls the hair of girl he is fond of… but in this case Aiko pulls his hair (though for a different reason) and he likes it and can’t end talking about her as a result. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Aiko is a little bit more extreme


I have Aiko(s) blocked on the forums and did so after this person went too far with their nastiness, and normally do not read or respond. I have mentioned this person in context of something that I and others observed.

For me account sharing, if indeed that was what happened, is rife in Eve anyway and my point of view is that this is CCP’s problem as it directly affects their revenue, I see no need to police this for them and would never report it. In game it invalidates RL TZ gathering which is why it mattered more when being cloaky camped and knowing what can drop on you…, and I did not report that because I think it was CCP not being on top of their game and thus deserving the loss of players due to round the cloak AFK cloaky camping. It hurt their revenue twice over, be incompetent and lose your players.

It is not to control and never was, it was however fascinating to see three different distinct personalities using the same character and that they got complacent enough to make it obvious, which was something I found worthwhile having a laugh at. Does that make me a bad person for finding this funny?

It is obvious that Aiko(s) does not find it funny by the reaction, talk about being thin skinned!

The thing is that Australian Excellence did make a good point in his long winded ego infested reason for giving up on Eve, and that was the lack of whales carrying large amount of cargo, this was the biggest issue for him, he had to grind more than he was happy with. Over time people will carry more and then it will start again, it is fine, you don’t have to worry.

That is just to try to retain new players better and in fact I think it is quite good.

With all this talk of alts and split personalities i’ve forgotten who i am and now eve war report is messed up i cant take the piss out of war dec ers losing war hq’s

Btw taking the piss is a british pass time we get training in it from an early age . i’ll let Micky explain.

No offence intended


But some will take offense because it is what they do…

If you want to be offended then: I think even thou the English started the language English they now speak something else :joy: compared to the rest of us. It was difficult trying to watch that vid.

Getting so bored of Eve meh

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It is.

I confess, I did it a lot when growing up. Now, I reserve the right to TTP only in the presence of fail-fit barges and exhumers ‘piloted’ by 10-year veterans.

Which brings us nicely back on-topic, for the current state of Highsec ganking is securely linked to the preponderance of subjects at whom one may snigger (Am. ‘snicker’) with justification and relish.

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I just found out that CCP disallowed multiple warp core stabilizers, when game didn’t let me undock my 8 stab killright bait megathron, for a minor buff of them as they are now negating 2 warp disruptors or 1 scrambler (if I read it correctly).

Did this change affected ganking in any way? So far nobody escaped me thanks to that, but one of the victims had one stab and I was solo with 1 scrambler so he was probably just too confused/scared to act in time and could have survive.

Don’t get bored, try something new, start a new eve adventure tomorrow, eve is always changing ,your old ways might be dying out . find a new aim

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You are most likely one of my alts

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