Oï !
So, during my daily routing of exploring nearby wormholes, I’ve found this thing floating in a C4 wormhole :
On the Overview, this thing have the icon of a Raitaru, and is surrounded by yellow containers.
I also have the option of docking within it…
Does anybody have an idea of what it is, please ?
Thanks in advance !
Interesting that’s for sure. Maybe Kruul has updated his pleasure hub and moved in, dunno v0v.
November 18, 2018, 10:04am
I think you can scoop it. Not completely sure though.
Its that building thingie. Some rays should have started coming out of it, building raitaru.
November 18, 2018, 10:16am
Yep. Raitaru under construction.
Thanks for the indications guys, NOW IT’S MINE !
Nice find - Naguton, who dropped that then.
Wish the previous owner’s name was on it after you scoop it… just so you can drop him an EVEmail.
Its like finding few dollars on a street I think.
Well Done!
Thanks mate !
Yeah, you’d like to find them everyday =)
I’m thinking the owner is submitting a ticket claiming he put down a Raitaru and it “just disappeared for no reason”.
GM responds: “Well, I found it and it did disappear for a reason. Stick around next time.”
I legitimately laughed out loud.
Good job.
February 16, 2019, 11:27pm
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