What is the difference between the different “flavors” of pirates?

I have noticed that there are Blood Raider variants of a module/ammo, and there are also “Dark Blood” variants, same with Guristas and Dread Guristas, Serpentis and Shadow Serpentis, and Sansha and True Sansha

What is the difference between them? Is one found in low sec and the other found in null, or is it based on what the combat anomaly is?

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It’s actually just random drops in loot from Faction Commander NPC’s.


You can use the compare tool to compare the differences in them


I believe the nomenclature or name type denotes a higher level of module or munitions.

For Angel Cartel Faction, the Domination name is higher level than Arch Angel…


Ok, thanks

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Gurista taste like oily chicken, while bloodraiders taste like black pudding washed in axle grease


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