Perhaps if anybody has an archive of old universe data with faction tables, we could figure out of it’s just an old entry or a new entry for an upcoming faction? When did it first appear in the data?
I filled in the ID’s with the actual names to make the factions clearer…
PS> $evefactionfull|select @{N='Corporation name';E={$_.CC_name}},@{N='Faction name';E={$}},@{N='System name';E={$_.S_name}},@{N='Constellation name';E={$_.C_name}}, @{N='Region name';E={$_.R_name}}|Sort-Object -Property s_name|ft
Corporation name Faction name System name Constellation name Region name
---------------- ------------ ----------- ------------------ -----------
Amarr Navy Amarr Empire Amarr Throne Worlds Domain
Republic Fleet Minmatar Republic Pator Sveipar Heimatar
Trust Partners Thukker Tribe M-MD3B 730-KH Great Wildlands
Royal Khanid Navy Khanid Kingdom Khanid Prime Nohshayess Khanid
Caldari Navy Caldari State New Caldari Kimotoro The Forge
AIR Laboratories Association for Interdisciplinary Research Cistuvaert Anwyns Verge Vendor
Unknown New Eden EVE Genesis
Outer Ring Excavations ORE 4C-B7X Heart Outer Ring
Ammatar Fleet Ammatar Mandate Tanoo San Matar Derelik
AEGIS EDENCOM Yulai Sanctum Genesis
Serpentis Corporation Serpentis Serpentis Prime Phoenix Fountain
InterBus The InterBus Ourapheh Sanctum Genesis
DED CONCORD Assembly Yulai Sanctum Genesis
The Convocation of Triglav Triglavian Collective New Eden EVE Genesis
True Power Sansha's Nation 37S-KO XJ-0RG Stain
Blood Raiders Blood Raider Covenant Oyonata Tandoiras The Bleak Lands
Jove Navy Jove Empire 3-CE1R F-0CTG A821-A
Infested Regions Hiveminds Rogue Drones New Eden EVE Genesis
Mordu's Legion Mordu's Legion Command 5ZXX-K U-7RBK Pure Blind
Dominations Angel Cartel Utopia Heaven Curse
Federation Navy Gallente Federation Villore Vieres Essence
Vigilant Tyrannos Drifters New Eden EVE Genesis
Society of Conscious Thought The Society of Conscious Thought FDZ4-A N-K4Q0 Geminate
Guristas Guristas Pirates 6NJ8-V UTZ-7B Venal
Intaki Space Police The Syndicate Poitot Z-6NQ6 Syndicate
Sisters of EVE Servant Sisters of EVE X-7OMU 38G6-L Pure Blind
I would like them to be promoted to a proper faction.
From the wiki article -
The EoM fly unique Amarrian ships fitted with hybrid turrets and missiles,
The unknown faction is pretty old and its likely just a placeholder for when something doesn’t correctly return a valid ID for whatever reason
This is from 2016 and mentions it being listed in the killmails endpoint so i wouldn’t expect it to mean anything important other than “something went wrong looking that up”
The endpoint you’re calling isn’t relevant, its a placeholder for missing data, could be an ESI endpoint having a hiccup, the DB on the other end having a hiccup or just an incorrectly configured value that nobody noticed or really cared about because it doesn’t actually break anything