What makes the most isk in these two options?

Which makes more isk do you think? Trying to figure this out.

  1. A fully T2 fitted Rorq in siege, but only has T2 mining drones.

  2. A fully T2 fit Hulk with max mining boosts.

I am inclined to think the rorq would make the most by a slim margin. But I dont think the difference could be that far apart to justify the seiging of the Rorq in a belt with only T2 drones anyways, and its far more cost effective and risk averse to just use the hulk. Risk vrs reward and all.

The hulk would mine slightly more as long as it was using t2 mining drones as well as recieving boosts from a rorqual.

hulk all the way. Difference is small but its far more cost effective.
1st rule of EVE - do not fly what you can afford to loose 10 more times :slight_smile:

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