What, no Subscription Sale this time around?

Everything gets more expensive over time. Deal with it.

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I buy my wine on sale too.
I’m giving this one for free.

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I have subbed these accounts on the yearly sales.
But now they are running out?
Take my money CCP.
Give me a sale…

Good riddance.

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Or just sub 4 and not the 5th. You clearly can afford 4 full price subs.

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Ccp stated that they weren’t going to be doing almost any plex sales

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We over did it last year when it came to PLEX promotions. We are going to slow the ■■■■ down for now.

Thank you for your kind words.

So in essence, dont look for one til fall most likely. That was hilmars words. The thread is closed so I cant properly quote it.

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I am not asking for a plex sale.

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I always preferred to buy yearly subscription during sales as well. I would have thought locking a customer in for a year would be good business. But apparently CCP feels otherwise.
Currently I suspect that CCP’s performance metrics for getting the extra payouts from Pearl are tied to player counts – hence recent promotions for just launching an account (you don’t even have to log in and do something).

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What you really think is that a sale is good for your wallet.


Another month and no subscription sale. We are now into the 2nd half of the year.

Get over it.


We are now into the Summer Doldrums.

This would be a great time for a subscription sale

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Look like you just missed the PLEX sale that lasted until 30 June.

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im from india. the yearly subscription costs my one month salary. I cant afford it and now I cant even train skills as I have exceeded 500000sp limit when I have subscribed in 2017. please help.

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